Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 183,854,947 Issue: 419 | 20th day of Storing, Y11
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New Series

The Magical Rubber Duck: Part One

"How was I supposed to know that the door would slide shut right after we slipped in?" Blaze retorted, clearly irritated.

by 5qua5h5qua5h
Obsession: Part One

'All this desolation in our lands cannot be natural. Something else has been causing this, and all we need do is find it and reverse the effects...'

by d_morton
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"A Lesson in Battle" by dlandwehrs4816
He darted forward, Sword of Skardsen in his hand. In a series of nearly impossible to follow moves, he disarmed the baffled Skeith, and easily ran his hit points down to zero. "Maybe you should go pick a fight with someone you can handle. Looks like Punchbag Bob over there is open." His opponent stood slowly, embarrassment obvious...

Other Stories


The Forest of Freedom
The moon shone coldly on the frost covered ground below. The sky was unusually starless...

by renagade11


The Jewel of Souls
"Ah, Magax," he said calmly, his voice deep and charming. "How long has it been, my old servant?"

by i_live_under_the_bed


Lab Rats and the Battledomers Who Love Them
It's hard to know your place in Neopia when you can go to sleep as a Green Grundo and wake up as a Spotted Koi.

by stoicjohn


Little Nippers: Weewoos of Profits
I've been restocking here for about six months and believe me; I've seen a plethora of Quadrapi and Weewoos.

by brahski


Neopia's Celebrities
Today we have with us the elusive... Chef Bonju!

by tanemon1


Buh-bye, portal!

Concept by waterglide

by picklecheesepie

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