Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 184,867,923 Issue: 483 | 25th day of Awakening, Y13
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New Series

The Remnant: Part One

"Lockwood was very brilliant - and very witty - and very handsome - and very arrogant and very cold. Cold above all else. I would not wish upon you any quality of his, any more than I would wish his fate upon you."

by jokerhahaazzz
Oh No, Not Again...: Part One

Quitting your job without any idea where you're going to work afterward is really stupid.

by fuzzymonkey31
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"The Tragic Tales that Inspired Recent Paint Colors" by jlp2q
Ever since their owner had adopted Anna, Peter just didn't know if he fit in with this family anymore. Anna got to visit the lab ray every day, and she was given new petpets as soon as they earned another avatar. Not that Peter wanted a new petpet; he loved his (zapped) Maraquan Snowickle very much. Still, it was...

Other Stories


Purple Flowers and Drums
To color that blank slate inside me, I watch everything that goes on at my little corner of Neopia.

by sarlizkat114


The Birthday Surprise
"It's my birthday!" I cried gleefully. I sprang out of bed, stuffed my feet into my slippers, and raced downstairs.

by natverdi


Stop Spinning the Theoretical Wheel of Monotony
This is how you have fun in the grand world of Neopia when you're sick of the cycle.

by mheetu


How to Deal with Guild Wars
What starts out as a measly little argument can grow until it is a full fledged war that makes everyone feel uncomfortable and horribly divides the guild.

by incantationbella


Shades and Hues 11
Shattered Purity Arc; Part 7/15

by mstr_dark


Wheel of Excitement Mystery Prize
I wonder what happened...

by hamtaro4ever2

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