Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,914,574 Issue: 538 | 30th day of Running, Y14
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New Series

A Legend Begins Again: Part One

Isca tossed and turned in her bed, unable to shake the horror of the so vivid dream. She saw a stormy sea... a ship... a battle... a foe... danger... Garin...

by medit92
Things Best Remembered: Part One

The Protector of Calladamos, otherwise known as Janice, gave a long, exasperated sigh.

by chimie119
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"Indefinitely Slow" by water_park1993
Kero; a name which bears much strength and bravery. Some might even say that it rhymes with Hero... But in the humble opinion of this Blue Scorchio he is nothing more than a strong warrior who altruistically wants to help Neopia. If he wanted to be a simple warrior, he would have settled with a job at the National Neopian for security reasons, but as it is, he chose the difficult path of saving...

Other Stories


Origin of the Pant Devil- Vigilante or Villain?
The truth about the troublesome Pant Devil and his origins.

by mrscharliesheen


A Withering Note
"As your business partner, I highly advise against starting anything in this building, especially a hospital! For Fyora's sake, this is a haunted asylum!"

by kaddiez


Tips for Surviving the Neopocalypse
The outer world, or reality, is a place which Neopians need to tread carefully.

by lilshadowdweller


A Guide to the NQIII Faerie Charms
For those of you who are still unsure whether or not to get the charms and more importantly how best to use them, let me give you an overview on those fascinating NQIII Faerie Charms.

by chaotizitaet


Scary Soup: Gift Horse
You have received...

by raykitty


Benefits of Being Zombie
They have their ways.

by ultra_neo_maniac

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