Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,389,219 Issue: 553 | 13th day of Swimming, Y14
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New Series

Brothers in Wing: Part One

It's been years since the Battle for Meridell, but the war's after effects still linger on in the slums and markets of the Citadel.

by daa__petstorage
The Almost Pound Escape... Or Something Like That: Part One

"Seven hundred and sixty three days in the pound and no owner..."

by supergirl1057
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"This Story Does Not Exist" by ivy_knight
Bucklan sighed loudly as she looked at the ingredients that her fridge contained, which was absolutely none. It was apparent that someone had gone for a midnight snack last night, which had quickly turned into a midnight feast rather than just a small snack. She shook her head and closed up the refrigerator, wondering...

Other Stories


Willow the Unwanted Weeble
"I'm looking for the petpets that no one buys," the woman said.

by jessicanoel062094


Memories of a (Former) Friend
I remember the joy on my mother's face when my father brought home the paint brush and told her we could move underwater. I remember how cold the paint felt on my feathers...

by kykygilde


10 Most Delicious Jellies
What I think are the ten most delicious jellies out there—or, what my Neopets tell me are, anyway.

by vadercat1997


Kiko Lake Activities
It's Kiko Day! Any Kiko fanatic worth his salt will be visiting the idyllic lake today. But what is there to do?

by kadface


Neighbors: Bugged
One day, at the Games Room...

Also by keartato

by paws265


Sutek Muffin

by thegreenmooseofdoom

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