Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 189,978,751 Issue: 562 | 14th day of Gathering, Y14
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New Series

His Name is Kribal: Part One

Putrid fumes filled the grim passages cut into the harsh terrain, the purple tunnels burrowing ever deeper beneath the surface of Neopia's only moon.

by d_morton
What Lurks Below: Part One

It started out as just another day at the plushie factory. One of the managers was explaining to a group of dropouts how, if you shredded it just right, no one would know the difference...

Also by gwendarwen

by ilhs11

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"Tales From Elysian Fields: The Demon Drink" by bug0704
Meet Myrvin Mynci: shy, quiet, and at the moment, very nervous. He lives an average life at 1123 Coconut Road, Mystery Island. Myrvin does not live there for the coastal waters or for the volleyball — no, not at all. He is a door-to-door salesman of Mynci Banana Imports, and therefore must live very close to the warehouse...

Other Stories


Saving Raiders Academy
Raiders Academy was large and decaying with ruins taken from the depths of Maraqua for historical purposes, but Pleo always thought it was more hazardous than it was aesthetic.

by saint_carnage


Chocolate for the Chocolate Ball
"Congratulations! This is your official invitation to the Year 14 annual Chocolate Ball! You and a guest will get to experience the finest chocolates Neopia has to offer! Be sure to look and dress your best!"

by dr_tomoe


The Seven Savoriest
Seven berries of the highest order with luscious and diverse flavors.

by seamonsterlake


A Zombie's Guide to Chocolate
Over the hundred odd years of my existence, I have noticed many zombies and ghost Neopians believe chocolate doesn't really appeal to them. It's too sweet. The chocolate shapes are too cute...

by ancientsecrets


Scary Soup: Meeting of the Minds
The club is now open!

by raykitty


Crashing the Chocolate Ball
Wait a minute... there are already three of them...

by kevinlin1216

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