Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 191,668,192 Issue: 614 | 27th day of Gathering, Y15
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New Series

The Orbs of Power: Part One

The island seemed to be waiting for me to explore its secrets...

by burning_shadows_79
The Chronicles of Super Pea: Part One

In a small Neopian cottage on the edge of town lived a red Chia. He was rather plain in appearance and small in stature, and his stats were nothing to speak of.

by the_crimson_rose
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"A Darigan Citadel Tea Time Adventure" by alt1981black
As Poe approached, she suddenly paused. The bushes behind Grey were rustling! He seemed not to notice someone coming up behind him, but Poe did! Just as she opened her mouth to shout out a warning, a set of arms reached out and grabbed Grey! He was dragged into the bushes without...

Other Stories


Sweet Sibling Revenge
Jessie__Bessie stopped in her tracks and narrowed her big, brown eyes at her brother. "What have you done?"

by tinydancer517


It Could Only Happen to a Cybunny
"Ohhh," she groaned. "Come on, you guys, can't I even make a simple trip to the Bazaar without you making a mess?"

by robbie_roxburgh


The Other Way to Creatively Write on Neopets
Two words: Story Telling!

by jarjarhead989


Regulations for the Spooky Food Eating Contest
This is the first year they're putting on the Spooky Food Eating Contest, which has quickly become a huge hit. But it seems they're particularly strict about their regulations.

by moonandflowers


Grumpy Mummy: Why So Grumpy?
Can you imagine having a bad hair day for a millennium?

Idea by dogcrazy04140

by mariella529


Faerie Tales
So THAT'S why neoschool's been delayed...

by _defenestrate_

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