Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 192,739,456 Issue: 659 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y16
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New Series

Children of the Lonely Stars: Part One

Maestro Marcus believed the Virtupets Community Orchestra could be the equal of any musical ensemble Neopia had to offer, and no trifle like reality could convince him otherwise.

by saphira_27
Chronicles of a Caped Crusader: Of Beauty and Brawn - Part One

It seemed like it was going to be a fairly routine day when Chloe entered the Defenders of Neopia HQ that morning...

by kristykimmy
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"Children of the Lonely Stars" by saphira_27
They managed to run "The Asteroid's Call" and "Aurorae" before rehearsal ended – as usual, Marcus thought that the nine-o'-clock bell on the station was a cue for "one last run of measures 35-60." Subi wished they'd gotten to sing "Lay of the Star-Mariner" – that was her favorite movement in the entire Nocturnes...

Other Stories


Random Acts of Usukicon Kindness
"I did it! I finally finished my Usuki doll collection!"

by jazzehness


Twenty-Four Hours
"What the..." The Grundo sat up to see who had sawed off half of his bed while he was asleep—and it promptly collapsed underneath him.

by cosmicfire918


Desert Diplomacy - Fun Facts!
I got round to thinking about a few pointers with the rulers and maybe the palace in Sakhmet itself.

by machinexcaatxhead


The Elusive Usukicon Goodie Bag
As the Annual Usuki Doll Convention rolls around the corner, Neopians everywhere are wondering the same thing: What will we find in this year's goodie bag?

by mreilynne


Grave Danger
An Angelpuss ventures into the Neovian catacombs...

by schmittz


Aisha Soup: Well Learned

by the_shii

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