Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 194,864,678 Issue: 802 | 20th day of Collecting, Y19
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My Childhood Neohome

When the buyers arrived, Rupies was already sitting on the front steps of her childhood Neohome waiting for them. The pair of Kacheeks seemed surprised to see such a brilliantly painted pet in a neighbourhood as… well

by jillcrash
Skipping School

A beautiful wake-up call, like the sound of twittering songbirds, starts my… adventure.

by invalid
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"A Pound Story: Part Two" by eyre101619
The week had passed before she knew it, and so Ihae found herself on the way to the Neopian Pound, ready to get back to work this weekend. So far, she still hadn’t come up with some way to cheer up the many pets who were stuck there. Everything she could think of either just wasn’t good enough, or might even make matters worse. A Talent Show, for instance, might just further discourage those among the abandoned pets who had no talents to show off, making them think they were worthless and might never be adopted. Ihae was stumped. She entered the Pound, and was surprised to find no one in the waiting room, yet again. This time, though, it looked like she really was completely alone. Rose knew when Ihae would arrive, but she was apparently off tending to some other matter – there was a lot to do at the Pound, as Ihae had found out the previous weekend. She sighed and took a seat, having decided to wait for a few minutes before going to look for someone. The boxes wouldn’t move themselves until she started, something she found somewhat unfortunate. Just as Ihae was going to get up and look for someone, Rose came into the room, with Yvonne into tow. The young Tuskaninny was glaring at the ground now, begrudgingly following. "Sorry for being late!" Rose exclaimed, "I had to round up Yvonne. She’s going to be helping you today." Ihae raised an eyebrow questioningly. Not only did it not seem like the Tuskaninny wanted to get along well with her, something she imagined might make the job even worse for both of them, she also didn’t look like she was used to – or capable of – heavy lifting. It was something she just imagined someone with fins wouldn’t be great at. Then again, Ihae supposed she didn’t look like someone who did a lot of manual work, either.

Other Stories


Usuki Singing Stars #41: Go and Fly a Kite!
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Oxymorons - Kiosk Rolled
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Makeup Madness
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