Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 196,773,407 Issue: 863 | 19th day of Eating, Y21
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New Series


Laurel the Grey Yurble woke up, dazed and confused, lying on the cold dirt ground in front of a farmhouse in Meridell, not knowing who she was, where she was, where she was from, or what had happened.

also by beckykbrooks

by applefaerie99

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A Guide to Destruct-O-Match III

I have been playing Destruct-O-Match for years, and it's one of my favourite games so I have compiled a few tips to getting the avatar/trophy you're going for. To get the avatar you need a score of 2500+. First off you should be playing in classic mode, and the game works by double clicking on sets of the same coloured boulders. The power-ups in this game are: Fill Boulder - this adds a layer of boulders on top Multiplier Boulder -

Other Stories


The First Light of Neopia - Part Two
Chapter Two - The Leader of the New World

Collaboration with wtmoof

by steve_km


A Sister’s Feud
Long ago, before the world as we know it now, there lived two faerie sisters who were very close. Long ago, their parents were taken by Dr. Sloth to be kept as slaves and forced to work in his laboratory for all of eternity. All the sisters had in the world was each other and they bonded in their isolation. Their names were Jhudora and Illusen.

by katieneo_211


Coming out on top at Krawps
"Underneath the Golden Dubloon restaurant is a dingy, small little room used solely for gambling. Only one game is played - Krawps, possibly the most confusing game ever to hit the shores of Krawk Island, or, well.. the whole of Neopia for that matter.

by krawkedattitude


Work smarter, according to the busiest Neopians
Does Illusen turn into a panicked mess when her glade gets overcrowded by questers? Does King Hagan turn soup-brained when he listens to random (and sometimes, wacky) bites of wisdom for a whole day? You’ll have to read on to find out, but it’s not too hard to imagine that these Neopians are like us when workloads become too heavy.

by fyora_fyora__33


Sometimes you just gotta throw a HISSI!

by pawsulurv


Blossoms~ Games Night Part 6
We're talking about this tree, right?

by twillieblossom

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