Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 196,871,874 Issue: 890 | 7th day of Awakening, Y22
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"At Your Brilliance" by weewoowriter
Axanzo, the yellow Lupe, panted heavy breaths as he staggered up the steep hill overlooking Neopia Central. The sound of his breathing hushed the endless chatter of the shopping square crowds behind him. When he reached the top, he hunched forward with his hands on his knees and gasped for air. The series of raspy breaths annoyed a green Peophin lying on his stomach with his chin nestled in the crux of his elbows. “Out of all the places,” said Axanzo, failing to finish his sentence in favor of taking in long breaths from the refreshing breeze gracing the hilltop. Dravneel nuzzled his chin deeper into his arms. “You didn’t have to look for me.” With his lungs cooled down with the crisp air, Axanzo straightened his back with shoulders relaxed. He stepped right in front of Dravneel’s view. Against the sun, all the green Peophin could see was a dark silhouette of tall and sinewy Lupe. “Our owner said he finished shopping.” Axanzo ducked down to meet the eye level of his moping friend, close enough for Dravneel to feel the yellow Lupe’s warm breath wafting against his forehead. “And we’re not leaving without you.”

Other Stories


At Your Brilliance
I've come back to Neopets to purely write for the Neopian Times. You'll see more from me in the future! ~Kelvin

by weewoowriter


Faerie Fables – Mira the Space Faerie
Mira giggled as she grabbed the apple and banana out of the fruit bowl and placed them into her backpack, it was a pleasant accompaniment to the two cheese sandwiches, she had already packed.

By Devotedly, Tarons & Sportsagain

by devotedly


The Secret Avatar: Opinions That No One Wanted
This submission contains Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this article series!

by bouncyhanyou


Staying cozy in a Terror Mountain blizzard
Whether you are a Mystery Islander and looking to make the most of a real snowy winter weekend trip, or just a Terror Mountain resident getting exhausted by those short dark days and long cold nights, I have some insider tips for you on how to make the most out of these last few (seemingly endless) months of winter lying ahead of us.

by pizzanoodles2


Mr. Plumpy
One does not simply ask a Plumpy for its bacon.

by xxautumnxx


Kads Are STILL Picky ...
awh, are you hungry?

by butterflybandage

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