Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 96,497,777 Issue: 189 | 6th day of Hunting, Y7
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Short Stories

A Forgotten Friend

"Oh my, a lot of these books really need to go. But where to begin?" she questioned herself. "Well, I'll just start… here!"

by fireyheartz
The Power of Song

"I mean, I understand people talking and using their voices, but singing like that?" Kamira frowned. "Please... now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll take a little promenade to get that echo out of my ears."

by shadowcristal
A Second Chance

What met my gaze was something that would change my life forever. Five or so Kougra cubs barely past birth lay there, mewing pitifully...

by sapphire101993
Snowager Prize

"Since you are this month's random winner, you will be receiving our mystery prize! Come to the Ice Caves on the 22 day of the month of eating to claim your reward!"

by ishmalian42
A Wilting Flower

I like it here, mostly. Well, except for Neoschool. That is a bad place that my owner makes me go to. Oh, don’t get me wrong; I get good grades. In fact, I’m at the top five in my class. It’s just that the other pets aren’t very nice to me...

by pandabearb
Stripe the Strange Skeith

here was one problem, and that was that everyone thought Stripe was strange. Stripe didn't understand why the other Skeiths didn't like him, and why the other pets at Neoschool didn't like him either...

by kikik312
The Tooth Faerie's Magic

"And you're the only one who takes their lost teeth away," the Uni remarked, getting up and sniffing the rattling bag. "You could use an apprentice or something."

by ssjelitegirl
A Paw To Hold On To

I froze and turned my head towards the clutching party gingerly. Standing there, leaning over the bushy, wispy fur of my tail, was a small yellow Kacheek.

Also by hottamale0774

by chocolateisamust

Will You Remember Me?

Tori shivered, despite having promised herself years ago that she would show no one any sign of weakness in her. She mentally shook her head at the echo, refusing to remember.

by fierwym
Zeke, Rupe and The Neopian 3000

Standing back and wiping his brow, the shadow Ruki gave his new creation a scrutinised once-over...

by tambourine_chimp
Sewage Surfers

Matt's gaze dropped down--and then down again. A tiny blue Kacheek stood in the muck; the sludge that covered half of Matt's boots came to the Kacheek's knees.

by extreme_fj0rd
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"A Forgotten Friend" by fireyheartz
Something else in the box caught the faerie's eye. A purple leather bound book was buried under more school papers. Picking it up, she gently brushed off years of dust...

Other Stories


Chia Bomber 2 – The Guide
Poor Geoffrey. What is a Chia to do when groups of angry Neopets come storming into town, with mud slinging bazookas! Why, retaliate with water balloons of course!

by undeadfortune


Interview with Snargan: The Skeith behind the Game
It’s caused both tears of joy and tears of sorrow in more hopeful Neopians than you might think. Double or Nothing is a game solely dependant on luck – and, of course, the size of the player’s purse.

by really_awesome_d00d


The Shade Flame Legacy: Valrigard: Part Seven
"Don't try that one again, Gelert. Your plans are pathetic, and you know it. I feel about as much sorrow for you as I do Jeran, when he fell from the Citadel. Do you understand? None."

by smurfafied1800


A Pirate's Life for Me: Part Three
That night Dani couldn't sleep. The rain pelted the window mercilessly, and she simply laid there listening. When she found that it was no use trying to go to sleep, she slowly pulled down the bed sheets, and climbed out of the cot.

by jennyfoos221


Neopian Cliche
What's that for?

by umberstellar


Crazed... Whatever That Means
You're pretty!

Also by lukeneedsatrim

by humblely

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