A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 111,611,307 Issue: 221 | 22nd day of Celebrating, Y7
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Short Stories

Never Forget Me

"She's supposed to be moving to Meridell. Her owner is taking her. They are departing the day before Christmas..."

by mygoodguild
Starlight Invasion: Giving Day At Last

Midnight had ticked into being on the digital clock, and I was well aware of it, and what day this was...

by rainbow_daydreamer
Iced In

The blue pet was jolted back to reality by a pound on the back by his friend. "What do you think I am, a rug?" he demanded...

by tamia_silverwing
Peas and Carrots: the Zebinator

"When I release this baby," Phloosh told Zebie, "we shall rule over all of Neopia, you and I. I shall be KING!"

by costa_rican_girl
The Different Christmas

The residents of 84852 Aisha Avenue were all feeling the wonderful festive cheer, and each and every one of them were all bustling about excitedly for the day that was coming very soon: Christmas...

by blubblub317
Once Upon a Christmas Morning

The young, sapphire-eyed white Acara could never be seen without a whistle on her lips, a skip in her stride, and a merry twinkle in her eye. Every waking moment was spent counting the presents at the base of the tree...

by really_awesome_d00d
An Island Christmas

Why had his owner insisted they come here? How could there be Christmas without snow, without real Christmas trees?

by laurelinden
Because It's Christmas, After All

I used to live with my owner, Makayla. She was the nicest owner ever. She painted me cloud and groomed my fur daily...

by lavendergoddess79
Christmas on the Citadel

Lord Darigan had decreed that whoever chose to make his wretched land their home had to abide by one rule: No Festivities.

by kushbi
Ezanna and the Christmas Craft Fair

"Sorry, Ezanna. The kitchen table was the only place big enough to make my Stickaments," he replied. Ezanna raised a scaly eyebrow...

by battlesunn

"Shush, now," the yellow Techo whispered, as if there might be someone watching them...

Also by precious_katuch14

by chia625_2001

The Bruce, the Trends, and the Bow-tie Suit

As I skated across a large pond in Neopia with merely a red scarf around my neck, I noticed something that every Bruce had--except for me...

by monkeycraze251
Meti and the Perfect Gift

At the end of this road sat a small hut right on the corner of the sand, and one of the windows cast soft reflected glow, gold in tone, onto the ground below...

by anjie
A Winter's Tale

It was extremely rare for there to be any snow in Mystery Island, even in the winter. Bain loved the snow...

by eeyores_tail7
The Best Gift

"Class, since it is the season of celebrating, we are going to practice a little holiday spirit. Every day, for the next month, you will give your partner a card of compliments, or a small gift. Remember, this is not a contest."

by jkling75
Who Needs a Royal Paint Brush? IV: Christmas Finale

"You look happy," Courtney observed, amused as she slid some bacon and toast onto his plate. Alec positively beamed...

by 3dcourtney12044
Snow Day

Each winter, she and her best friends wished for snow almost every day. Dancer, a green Lupe, and Stella, a Starry Zafara, lived in the houses on either side of Freedom's house, and there was no friendship greater than theirs...

by oldnavyfan10
A Christmas Gift

He had yet to sweep all of the snow, Petpet fur, and slush off of his floor and into the outside. But all Archie wanted just then was to lock up his shop and head outside...

by silent_snow
The Miracle of Christmas

"The holidays," I said bitterly to myself, "are absolutely mental."

by pandabearb
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"Peas and Carrots: the Zebinator" by costa_rican_girl
This giant mechanical Zebie-shaped robot was just the beginning of Phloosh and Zebie's horrific plan of complete power over Neopia and its inhabitants. "When I release this baby," Phloosh told Zebie, "we shall rule over all of Neopia, you and I. I shall be KING!"

Other Stories


The Holiday Blues
Reports have confirmed that the first sign of this disease was spotted in Neopia Central, December 1st. A bright, young Yurble was reported to be sleeping during class, doodling...

by supersmash444


20 Things you DON'T Want Under the Christmas Tree
So as I stand here munching candy canes and dodging snowballs from mischievous grundos, I want to present to you a list of what you DON'T want to see under the Christmas tree.

by skittleiciousgirl


Searching For Paradise: Part Three
The Zafara seemed surprised to see Ricki there. "Ricki!" he said, setting down the tray. "I thought you'd be in bed by now!"

by cpmtiger


Sight: Part Five
"Lage!" Aylie shouted, still unaware of my hurt. "He could wake up at any moment! If we're going to get all of this back, we'd better start moving."

by dan4884


Happy Holidays!
Where in Neopia could you find a hat that big?

by black_magefive


Another Day With You ver.Chrismas
Getting ready for Christmas is harder than you think...

by sonicheroesrox

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