Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 177,384,931 Issue: 311 | 28th day of Gathering, Y9
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Short Stories

The Immortality Dilemma

Old Ben had always attributed his intermittent memory blackouts to the bruise, which had never really gone away...

by aureateagle
How You Look At It

"I have decided that it's time to get another pet..."

by concertogreat_8
To Paint with Sparkles

He longed to be off this cloud far above Neopia, and to be normal once more. But he knew he couldn't do that...

by yellowsugardog
Freaky Factory

"I want you all out! I haven't employed you, and you have no right to intrude my factory! What are you waiting for? Get OUT!"

by calman49
The Imperial Exam

"Spell..." The Kacheek narrowed his eyes as he peered through his tiny glasses. "... linguine." The Chia made a choking sound, but nodded...

by nativsis
Heart of Stone

He entered the circular room that was cast in shadows, examining the ring of statues, each casting an odd, long shadow on the stone floor...

by ayame_23
Squid Bait

Curiosity snared the Techo, or was it Techos make great squid bait? Eh, either way, it's time to go fish.

by brokensilent
The Mysterious Aisha Sorceress

She once was a normal Aisha--an Aisha named Melora. That, however, was some twenty years ago...

by aisha_enchantress110
Dangers of Boredom

How shall I put this...? Oh. Yes, the last time Arphite was bored, he managed to get himself banned from the Neopia Central shopping center...

by jade_steel
A Father's Letter

You have been lead to believe that you and your sister Lisha were orphans...

by me_n_pet

And people called him a Gormball Legend? Fat chance. So when I heard that this was his last year of competing...

Also by kittygirl5170

by dan4884

The Heart of Meridell

Battles of the past had seen many lost weapons and not all had been recovered. It was said that Meridell often would reveal these powerful weapons...

by devine_rahl
A Tale of Skunk Perfume

Gabriella wasn't complaining about being sent to Neolodge – she had never been there before, and was looking forward to a week of relaxation...

by harrypotterfan9001
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"A Father's Letter" by me_n_pet
You have been lead to believe that you and your sister Lisha were orphans, and you do not know who your parents are. Though you were six when an orphanage took you in, all you could remember was your name and your sister's...

Other Stories


Just How Smooth Was the Altador Cup 2?
Sure, you can read about the scores in the news, but can you read about the Unmentionable Incident Of The Exploding...

by iamskot


How Much Do You Know About Neopets? #2!
Pull out your paper and pencil and let's see how much you really know!

by 13wocky_lover13


Blue's Way: Part One
The painted Neopets looked at each other in dismay and confusion. An unpainted pet, speaking with them like he was painted too!

by kimssuperanimals


The Silent City: Part Two
One step at a time. Etana didn't know where she'd be now if she hadn't taken the last year one step at a time...

by xialavin


The Flip Side: of Rocks and Fish
Some things lose their meaning here on Neopia.

by __shichan__


Kadmainia 2
Feeding Kadoaties can be dangerous sometimes.

Also by tinkx

by kazukazue

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