Up-to-date coverage on faerie wars Circulation: 177,384,914 Issue: 313 | 12th day of Collecting, Y9
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Short Stories

The Brush He Thought He Never Wanted

What have I done to deserve a punishment like this?

by quenosh
who are you my friend of many influences

It is inevitable to miss someone who goes away for a short while as much as, if not more than, someone who leaves forever...

by blackcairn
A Home in My Heart

It had been six years since I had seen my family. Out of desperation at their lack of funds and eight children, they had sent their five older ones away...

by ripped_perfection
Hyperion: The Ghost

"Hyperion, we are the Defenders of Neopia. We must defend our citizens from all evils, from all things, whether it be a selfish thief or an otherworldly killer..."

by micrody
Usul Tales: The Rubber Ducky Of Doom

Gabby stopped crying for a moment, looking up at her older sister with teary eyes, then burst into cries once again...

by iris220_ll
Taking Away the Pound's Gloom

I knew a sibling to share her time with would help to solve many of her problems. I was the one who decided that we would be adopting from the pound...

by cloverless
One Really 'Relaxing' Vacation

A.B., my owner, was taking all four of her Neopets to a foreign, exciting place for a vacation, but she wouldn't tell anyone where we were going...

by angiebeaudion
Open Hearts, Closed Eyes

A young Lupe yelled in his gruff, loud voice, "Feepits are kind of cute!"

by superpowers36
DoN: The Case of the Missing Books

Judge Hog, I think we might have a problem...

Also by andulien

by julie_kofoed1980

Finding the Music

There is a single tribe that exists on the island. A group of faerie Lenny called the Maedryth...

by reveirie
Writer's Block

She believed she had talent and one day soon, the Neopian Times would tell her that her stories and articles were genius...

by treekofreako
The Path of the Dagger

The Silver Sai dagger of Shenkuu is perfect for rogues. Such daggers are light, versatile...

by sparkie399
With Joy

She was waving and crying too. Or was she? The more Kitty looked the more it seemed that she was...

by werewolfloverrox
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"Usul Tales: The Rubber Ducky Of Doom" by iris220_ll
Sally picked up Gabby's rubber ducky and dropped it into the bath tub. Awed, Gabby squeezed the ducky and an annoying squeaking noise filled the room. Sally let out one more "Uggh!" and then, angry, she stomped out...

Other Stories


Your Handy Guide to Taking Care of a JubJub
You may think that feeding a JubJub is no different from any other pet, right? Just put the plate on the table and let them eat it? It's actually much harder than that.

by wildhorsejordan


Customisation Spotlight: Can You Be a Star?
There's a hot new contest in Neopia. The Customisation Spotlight, where all Neopians have a chance to vote for your pet, depending on how it has been customised.

by alana_currie


The Dark Faeries' Apprentice: Part Nine
Neoangel was nowhere to be seen. The cloud in the sky was darkening. Denriada let out a shout of alarm...

by neo_star_queen


Highrock Pack History Songs: Song for Three Voices - Part Two
Will rolled over, trying without success to return to his dream. It was always the same. He was hunting in the wild...

by shinkoryu14


Royal Disaster: Active pets
*yawn* Is it nap time, yet?

by nokikissa


A Moon Comb?
What's so special about a moon comb?

by pencil_cases

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