Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 176,434,818 Issue: 340 | 25th day of Eating, Y10
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Short Stories

Bad Baby!

"Bad baby!" Tooey reprimanded as she gathered it and the paint set up to take them to her room. "No more paints for you!"

by kammy1122
Strings: To Perfect the Cello

The Acara had experienced audiences of thousands, solo, chamber, and orchestral concerts. At first glance, Kayla was a prodigy...

by akari24
Jhudora's Mistake

So she chose to work behind the Tower, the place where Queen Fyora sold rare items. No one would look for her there...

by brightheart250
Of Magnets and Mayhem

So, where DOES the Tiki Tack Guy get those magnets, anyway?

Also by blacebrander

by pyrosquirrelx


Das looked at the girl and nodded very slightly. This girl was her new owner; it was a funny feeling. She seemed like a stranger...

by haahaa113
The Great Neopian Faerie Race

A race to the finish across the whole land of Neopia!

by stingjc
A Slorg's Wish

I knew she would love it. I also knew that I couldn't afford it. I mean, I'm a petpet...

by dark_song
Overworked and Underpaid

Moriko loved making the house sparkling clean, but with this lot, it was a bit much...

by littleunicorn92

"Oh no! The storm is already here!" As she said this, a huge gust of wind rocked the giant cloud...

by eyown
The Island Bake-A-Thon

"But seriously, Maraqua, the Island Bake-A-Thon is two days away. It's not like you should start worrying forty-eight hours ahead of time... "

by jenlin_25
Sloth and Meepits

Sloth scowled. A month ago, he had finally escaped the monotony and boredom of being the Supreme Overlord of Neopia...

by mookie99

Two Grundos in white coats were standing in front of him. One was holding a clipboard. Sloth smiled. Victims.

by spoonguardonline
Research and Development

It was well known that the vast majority stock holder in Virtupets had always been Doctor Frank Sloth. Never anything that could be proved, of course...

by neesboy
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"Behind the Smile" by nancy_drew_obsessed
I led her out the door and down the street to the boards. They were conveniently only three blocks away. I walked inside, then chose the door marked 'List of Smilies.' As I strolled through the door, I was met with cage upon cage piled with smilies. There was a cage filled with evil red smilies with fangs...

Other Stories


Your Neoboard Personality!
Who knew that so much of Neopian culture could be encompassed in just 20 questions about the Neoboards?

by indulgences


Ancient Medicine
Reasons to visit the old Ruki of Shenkuu...

by niebelheimkonto


Petpet Adventures: Reunited - Part Five
A Gikerot suddenly burst out of the bushes and looked at them. His eyes fell on Malei...

by rachelindea


Removing the Muzzle: General Galgarrath's Story - Part Two
General Galgarrath was not pleased with the procession. The citizens could glorify Kass all they wanted to; he still thought of the Eyrie as an equal...

by torkie10


Insert witty title here

by beachnut14


Easter Egg Parody
Where IS the last egg?

by konayukii

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