Meow Circulation: 175,204,523 Issue: 365 | 24th day of Collecting, Y10
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Short Stories

The Yurble Diaries

Some kid went poking around the Hall of Heroes today. I was there, dancing with my mop like usual, when some snotty-faced kid stuck her nose in. RAARGH!

by lemonarra
The Second Brother

"Who are you?" Flame growled.

The figure stepped out from the shadows, his face hidden beneath the hood.

by yippo_yippee

Little Quadrapus Lost

"It's a pirate petpet and these things are not welcome here."

by azurelightning
The Meepits of Chia Close

Everyone knows that when you put together a lonely Yurble, a circus, and a bunch of meepits, you get an NT submission.

by stranged
Wings of Wonder

Pippin's owner had been delighted with the change; Pippin was not.

by turtles_are_coolpets
Cheat! Night

Cheat is fun, but never invite them to your house for a game. Marik-sama learned this the hard way!

by psychopathicmarik
The Kass Basher Kass, on Baguettes and other things

In my spare time I frighten small Neopets and eat really manly foods such as Blumaroo Steak. I am a Darigan Eyrie.

by larkspurlane
Do You Still Love Me?

The insane scientist flipped a switch and I closed my eyes tightly...

by ilovemycatembers
A Neopian Citizen

Once upon a time, when Neopia had just started to grow as a society, there were two very good friends.

by rocknrollpup95
A Different Vision

I saw the world in four different colors, and only four different colors, which were red, orange, yellow, and purple.

by dragon_soarer12
The Secret Book of Chef Bonju

"Don't be silly," laughed Nuna, striding over to the desk. "You could probably write a book as good as mine."

Also by seegensays

by inge_123

And the Winner is...


by chat_adik
A Second Look

How long would he have to stay in the house? If he spent ten minutes in the entrance hall, would it be enough?

by iloenchen
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"Wings of Wonder" by turtles_are_coolpets
Pippin the Baby Shoyru stared unhappily at the sky filled with flying pets. Shoyrus, Buzzes, and pets that were lucky enough to be painted a color that included wings. He sighed. It hadn’t been too long ago when he was a contented green Shoyru. But then one night as he was heading back home after a day of flying, a Baby Bruce had...

Other Stories


Be Prepared! School Supplies for Real Success
I've got the insider look on what you need to purchase to be super smart this school year!

by giggilogalmewmew


The Art of Guild Making
It took me some three years to finally find a guild that had the sort of stability that many "guild hoppers" long for.

by steph22_1


Faded Memories #2: Rise of the Battle Faerie - Part Five
"Are you guilty of the charges being pressed against you?"

by kit_3_3_3


Fools and Children: Part One
"GitchiManitou," began the Faerie Queen in his vision earlier that night, "You have been chosen..."

by mamasimios


Don't hurt him, he's my friend! D:

by yampuff


High Flyer

by 1bird

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