Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 180,843,691 Issue: 399 | 2nd day of Swimming, Y11
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Short Stories


"I know you're young, but you need to understand this. You're a dark faerie."

by ginny_invisible
The Star and Flame Chronicles: Babysitting

"What's wrong with babysitting? They're only babies and besides, we're getting paid..."

by reeses_pet
Aristocratic Letters

Dear Lady von Cybunny,

Recently I have learned of your desire to play Gourmet Club Bowls with me. I would like to reply evenly, HA.

by christmas_ice

The Avant-Garde Neohome

"It's perfect," cried a reporter from the Neopian Times. "How did you ever come up with such an elegant, simple design?"

by mariofan14
Save the Band Geeks!

We could tell immediately something was wrong.

by laurapet131
Sophie versus the Existence of Jelly World

Once somebody says that Jelly World is real, you know that they are immeasurably insane.

by a_greenparrot

"The test results have proven that your ideal hobby would be... hold on, drum roll please."

by mewberry101_88
The Meepit Show: Issue 400 399 Spectacular

In fact, you lose twice as many points as you would normally as a result of not coming up with that witty answer.

by spoonguardonline
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Summer: Gamer's Guide

When it comes to neo-gaming, variety certainly isn't in short supply and whilst this is a good thing, it does present us with a tricky decision: "Which game do I play?" As the warm weather approaches, Neopian citizens struggle to keep their temperature down and their minds engaged, making the choice just that little bit harder. Here is a concise list...

Other Stories


Apparently, You CAN Play With Food
In this game, you control an energetic Blumaroo (who happens to look delicious).

by omega_hobo_gogeta


A Puzzling Game entitled Roodoku
Do you enjoy puzzles involving numbers?

by lakefox


Flying High: Part Six
The entire crew were standing on the bow, holding their breath as the Sweet Fyora sailed closer and closer to Faerieland...

by bugsypal9


Slippery Soup: Part Four
"Hello, how are the soups coming along? I hope my recipes are clear enough..."

by black_skull725


Remedy for Boredom - Part III
Awwww, Arkqus is so cute!

Also by eletrostatic

by guifisilva1


The Hero Society - #25
In which we have, yet another, not-so-master plan.

by bearcatt

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