Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 191,643,725 Issue: 476 | 7th day of Sleeping, Y13
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Short Stories

The Jinjahbread Man

"It just needs... some cinnamon!" Jade decided, forgetting her goal not to add anything extra.

by thediractor
The Usuki Singing Stars #3: Lola Moves In

"Here's another box," Sparkles said as she brought in a little box from outside. The pink Bruce was huffing and puffing as she spoke. "Where do you want this, Lola?"

by downrightdude
Under That Large Tree

"We can all try, but in the end, we need to rest, and sometimes we have to step back and let others help us."

by precious_katuch14
Laurel Blossoms

Here they were. Another holiday season, and still no place to call home. Their room at the pound was decorated a little bit...

by glutenne
The Hole in the Attic

"It all started this morning around 9 o'clock…"

by pretsel_is_back

"People are starving, Roxanne, all over Meridell. And this sorcerer is nothing but a parasite."

by jokerhahaazzz
The Book

Truth be told, all was not lost. He had managed to fill his lifeboat with many dubloons.

by xcfiver
An Essential Guide to Owning Darigan Petpets

"The absolute most important thing you must remember when working with Darigan petpets is..."

by parody_ham
The Brothers Hognatius

'One day, brother, we will change the world.'

by d_morton
I Spy Something... Speckled?

Where did Xandra's plan really come from? And, what about that innocent pie? The truth is revealed!

by simair
Emerald Memory

"Why don't you keep it? It'll be a special present from me - and you'll look really pretty when you wear it when you're a~ll grown up."

by clovermint209
Figment of your Imagination

When boredom meets Neopets...

by _fancee_
Under Desert Sky

"Don't lose hope. When it gets darkest the stars come out."

by sylviau
Search the Neopian Times


"The Book" by xcfiver
He was paddling back to shore, his small pirate ship in ruins, and most of his fortune at the bottom of the sea. Truth be told, all was not lost. He had managed to fill his lifeboat with many dubloons. He wasn't sure quite how much he had, but it would be enough to get a new ship or maybe even start up a small business. But of course, he would have to lay low for a while....

Other Stories


Dream Pet Giveaway is a Success!
The Neopets Holiday Dream Pet Giveaway was a fairly recent event that allowed thousands of Neopians to have a chance to obtain their dream pet when they awoke on the morning of the Day of Giving.

by pragmatic1


A Tale of Two Worlds
Six predictions, because five is too common and seven is too lucky on Faerieland now neighboring the Haunted Woods!

by carrotbreath


The Wheel of Glory: Part Two
"What happened, Miles? I got here first, and you were just lying on the floor by the magic paintings, all tied up! Doc said that he thought he smelled sleep gas, but how did sleep gas get in here?"

by saphira_27


College Days: A Pirate Adventure - Part One
Meadowbuck felt annoyed. That was not the first emotion he'd expected after being thrown to a watery grave. But honestly, he was annoyed.

by newenglandquizzer


Everyone loves pointless stuff.

by snowstorm4444


Tis The Season - Part 4
Such a magic phrase... and what Luxor said was neat, too.

by saro_the_legendaerie

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