Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 187,881,946 Issue: 520 | 11th day of Storing, Y13
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Short Stories

Neopian Story Time: The Great Cybunny Theft

Loni shrugged. "My dad always lets me look through his stuff. These are just trinkets. He keeps all the really important stuff locked away."

by ilovemycatembers
The Problems We Face

I pondered for a moment if I should do something. She looked so lonely, so in need of a friend.

by allison_kitty11
Anna's Home

"I can't see you," I muttered coolly. "I'm blind."

by supergirl1057
Late Again, Rachael?

"What happened?"

"I can't do my homework!" I sobbed.

"I'll get the tea," she said.

by peace_love1212

Noble Beginnings

Evil Neopians aren't just born that way, you know.

by dustyfoot
A Story of Stories

I sighed. That was typical Kuila, setting a goal she could never accomplish. "Oh, really?" I said. "On your first try?"

by dragonsdomainaa
What is Truly Important

While he didn't have a precise schedule, Mr. Benjamin did have a routine, which was to buy a scratchcard from the kiosk before making his way to the food stall to buy his meals for the day...

by bluefeatheredwings
A Walk in Sakhmet

Sakhmet was already a thriving market town, but Nabile still liked to know how it was doing since she had left it. She particularly liked to know if Amira had heard anything about the Desert Scarabs...

by amethyst2
Our Side of the Story

Ever wondered what actually goes one while your petpet is down the Symol Hole? Now you know!

by bellyboo_97
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Cash through Gaming

Whatever your method of making money, it's quite possible that you are attached to it, and not ready to adopt a new strategy – after all, you tried that once, and it's just not for you. However, the Neopian Game Room is one place where even if you don't feel like a game expert, you can make money like a pro. It's a place where even a few minutes a day can help you grow your bank account quickly if you use it wisely. It's very easy to make the game room work for you if you're familiar with how it works! Just follow these steps!

Other Stories


Top 20 Useless Neopian School Supplies - Part 2
Check out the following list. It might make you hate stationery forever...

by darkobsession


The Art of Magic Mushroom Growing
Find out how to grow your favorite little fungi!

by superzombie


The Trial of Her Mind: Part Eight
"Not to mention the fact that now we can't fight! We might as well just lock ourselves back in the cage!"

by sheik_30999


Protectors of the Fourth Wall: Part Three
It looked okay when just glancing around, but a closer look uncovered a disconcerting featurelessness. They were in what looked to be a poorly drawn comic.

by gold_fang


Kougra Story
Broom for bratty Usuls

by disney_giselle


Treasure Keeper Adventures
I'd like to buy this.

by virusus

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