Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 188,728,398 Issue: 530 | 27th day of Sleeping, Y14
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Short Stories

Tea with Thade

Thade turned away from the window with a malevolent grin. "Itsh uhdosl eb nfu."

by kristykimmy
A Thorn in the Side

"Do you vow to protect the Temple and the treasure it guards?"

by justinamorgan
Gallery of Imperfection

They are not broken; They are well loved.

by alyiousa
Bitter Aftertaste

The Razumi was angry.

Art by eevee0011

by eevee0011

New Years in Maraqua

"So, how many should we light?"

"Fourteen, what else? You do know what year it is, right?"

by liyuuki

What Truly Matters

"I don't see why we need another Neopet in the family." Laizabel sniffed. "It's big enough as it is!"

by warriorcats
To Be Free

"Ray! Hurry, he's coming!" Ray's eyes widened as he heard this urgent warning. He ran up the tunnel and quickly threw the shovel he'd been digging with underneath his flimsy mattress.

by calman49
Terror of the Tree

Yes, it was a nice day at the Money Tree. Everything seemed to be going well...

by klicksy7
Dancing in the Rain

"You know that the skies have become too dangerous for the boy to remain here. He must find a loving owner in Neopia."

by quillish
Crying All the Way

I was here, quite simply, to do the impossible.

by siffilate
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"Gallery of Imperfection" by alyiousa
They did not hear her approach, but here was Queen Fyora in the flesh and who had apparently overheard all of their mocking of her doll! Alyiousa tried to stutter out an apology, but all that came out were unintelligible noises. She finally got to meet her hero and she had managed to insult her!

Other Stories


The All New Colors of Year 13
Year 13 also brought us four new colors!

Also by pillepalle77

by 1engel


Selling on the Trading Post - A Buyer's Perspective
Your items have been on the trading post forever, and nobody is buying! What are you doing wrong?

by lil_princess_of_evil


Grundo on Ice: Part One
"Oohh, there might be lots of Christmas stuff," Fallicina thought and moved the red box. Her face turned full of joy, because she had found something much better than she had expected. In the middle of snowglobes, ornaments and Christmas plushies, she saw...

by klarasaar


The End: A Shoyru Tale - Part Three
"The Shadow Faerie is fairly famous, Shoyru," she began. "After all, she is Fyora's sister."

by nintyplayer


Techopalooza: Obliterate
Everyone should train for the boss battle!

by desert_gp_dragon2oo5


World Wide Weirdos #2
Depth Perception

by saluqifreak13

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