Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 188,752,736 Issue: 541 | 20th day of Eating, Y14
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Short Stories

Effistella the Perfect

The first of many stories about Eff and Dodo. :]

by dorotheasansa
A Krawk Tale

By candlelight at night, she would sit and read through her various books about the different lands, dreaming of the day when she could go and explore them...

by jeancgirl
Racing the Hurricane

I lie awake in my bed at night, listening to the rain pounding on the roof. Hurricane Acara, first of the season, is coming in.

by navycoat
Deadly Dice

Why Brynn and Hanso did not join the search for King Roo.

by usulblue444
Lord Darigan's Letter To The Editor

You have a Sloth Appreciation Day, for Fyora's sake! Dr. Frank Sloth, who experiments on innocent little Neopets and concocts potions that transform them into ugly mutants!

by heathorn
Interview With A Larnikin

A small table sits in the middle of the room: a table littered with papers, a tiny terrarium, pencils, more papers, an open book, and something that resembles a horn used as a primitive sound-amplifying device.

by shy_gurl1983
The Edge of the World

"Who's they? And who's Dr. Sloth? And what's Neopia?" Tinost said, echoing my own confusion.

Lapnia stared at us. "Are you two for real?"

by emrozi

All That Glitters is not Green

"No one said anything to me about needing to be painted something," the green Skeith replied.

by spiderwax
Letters to Eliana

These letters were found in a safe inside an abandoned, broken down house in Faerieland...

by spirit_wolf589
In Memorandum

It all started several months ago when various Neopians began noticing the jolly king from Roo Island began some sort of negotiations with Alstaf Poogle, the Poetry Competition judge.

by lupe_hunter_7
Search the Neopian Times


"The Edge of the World" by emrozi
I used to live on the edge of the world. The world was smaller and more metallic for me, back then. I didn't know about trees, or snow, or the sea; I thought laser lights and plastic tubes grew organically. If you'd told me I lived on something called a space station, orbiting a planet called Neopia, I would have looked at you blankly; if you aren't a Grundo, I may well have run away. Non-Grundos rarely strayed from the centre of the station. In fact...

Other Stories


What To Do With All Those Negg Stems?!
All the neggs are gone, but the stems remain...

by valikthebuilder


How to Use the Six Icons
I've found that a lot of the owners don't know anything about Icons – much like me before – even the ones who enjoy battling. So I've decided to make an article about the most basic things of battling, the six Icons.

by starluffy


Infinity: Part Eight

It was Wingen's voice, but Flicker couldn't find him anywhere in the room. But he flinched at what he did see: A small stack of papers floating in mid-air.

by blueys45


A Legend Begins Again: Part Four
He hated having to run off from Jacques like that, but what choice did he have? He had to keep his friends from harm somehow...

by medit92


The Nut Farm
My Krawk has the intelligence of a Goldy.

by ramheart


Sassi Comics: The Wishing Well

by seiya_from_ashes

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