Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 189,237,064 Issue: 547 | 1st day of Relaxing, Y14
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Short Stories

The Faerigan Letters

I was most distressed to hear of the sinking and subsequent destruction of Faerieland, and I regret that I was unable to...

by mystie06
A Flicker of Hope

All I can do is ponder what's happened and what's going to happen. A neopet can figure a lot of things out when they're stuck like this.

by boscoemax
Darkness Comes (Faerieland Falls)

The Faerieland Guards had been rounding a lot of people up; young and old, local and tourist alike would be found by the blank faced faeries and herded into the high, tower-like dungeons...

by karen_mckenzie
To Feel the Sun

I closed my eyes, but the bars remained, burned into my vision from years of staring through them.

by madidogs88
Just Left

"Sorry?" I quipped, and she fell silent. "I didn't know where I was. I still don't know where I am! Seans didn't stop crying for a month!"

by supergirl1057
The Story of Me

Children. What a misleading label for the creatures, for it gives you the idea that they're sweet and perhaps innocent. No, no, no!

by amsurito
And Thus, She Danced

The air was pleasantly warm, the hills rolled before her in the loveliest of ways—and so she began to dance...

by marbookworm22
The Jelly Fiend Strikes Again!

For the fifth time this month, the mysterious masked villain known only as "The Jelly Fiend" has wrecked havoc upon our calm city.

by drama_freak4
Sinister Side of Faerieland

As I flicked through copies of Rainbow Fountain Secrets and Faerie Crossword Book, I noticed a shadowy figure lurking towards the back of the shop...

by absdafabs
Crystals, a Terror Mountain Legend

The secret to crafting such "brilliant and beautiful" weapons has been carefully guarded, passed down through each owner of the Ice Crystal shop. 

This is the tale of the first two.

by dragon10044

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For Your Elderly Neopet

The first Neopets to be granted the honor of becoming Elders were the Ogrins, but many more are coming ahead. It is also known that many important Neopians are quite advanced in age. The most famous is Queen Fyora, the Faerie Queen, who has been in Neopia for... *BZZZTTTT, ouch!*... quite some time. Elderly boys and Elderly girls need special care...

Other Stories


Ageless Kindness (Celebrating Fyora Day)
Some recommended items that are related to this magical monarch!

by _white_spirit_


How to Throw a Fyora Day Party!
How to throw the best possible Fyora Day party in these ten simple, easy steps!

by alexalex9999


The Game of Master Hog: Part One
The guardsmen just shrugged it off and pulled their thick cloaks tighter about their shoulders, shrinking deeper into its warm embrace. To them it was just another storm...

by d_morton


Things Best Remembered: Part Ten
Janice's hearing came back first, in little bits. She heard the thumps of feet hitting the floor, the scrape of swords being pulled out of and put into sheathes, the rustling of wings.

by chimie119


Ventures #16
Inter-Mission Part 3. Who says a zombie can't have healthy eating habits, anyways?

by neo_coaster363


Every Time I Play Pyramids
Will that gold trophy never be mine?

by regs_

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