Voice of the Neopian Pound Circulation: 189,680,121 Issue: 557 | 10th day of Hiding, Y14
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Short Stories


I had been very tiny then, much smaller than I am now. It had never occurred to me that I would grow any bigger than I was then.

by fluffbunniie
With Intelligence Comes Ignorance

"Wait, you're telling me you, Teckno, the guy who's read over a hundred and sixty books, have not read Mystery of the Kougra Paw?"

by jarm9

Together they made what could generously be called the town council. They made the decisions.

by crazy_holly_ii
Shadow of the Past

They say you can't go home again after a war.

by torkie10
Horace and the Vengeance of the Vampires

"Morning already?" a deep, gruff voice rumbled from under the covers. The blanket fell back, and a seven-foot-tall, very muscular Bori emerged.

by ezel68
Queen of Amethyst

"You'll find your magic. You're just a late bloomer, Fyora."

by pandora
Meeting Gorunda

The young Green Nimmo recalled hearing stories of the famous Gorunda every night. His father would lean over his bed and tell magnificent tales...

by fleur_garden
An Empty Heart, A Lost Soul

"Come on, Rosie. You're next up on stage. You look perfect," the tall human girl said as she dragged me to the stage where I would be showing off for the Beauty Contest.

by allison_kitty11
Brightvale At Night

Nothing will hurt you. All you need is a dash of common sense and a pinch of grit.

by 9166joe
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"With Intelligence Comes Ignorance" by jarm9
"Seriously, Viepe? Mystery of the Kougra Paw? You trying to rub it in my face or something?" Viepe shook his head furiously. "No! Never! I just want to see your face when you read it!" Teckno looked the book over, turning it to read the description in the back. Someone has stolen the precious gem and the only clue is a strange shaped Kougra paw print... "How much did this even cost?" he asked. "It's so cheap I only had to spend twelve neopoints on it..."

Other Stories


Shop or Not: The Cleanliness of Neopian Shops
I have taken it upon myself, in good health I might add, to go around and check out the cleanliness of the shops in Neopia Central...

by oo_luckey_duckey_oo


Dueling Decks, a Trophy Guide – Going for the Gold
Have you ever played a game, tried your very hardest, thought you'd done really well, then visited the high score table only to find you are miles down it?

by daughters_ofthe_moon


Petpet Adventures: Mistress Maxie's Marvellous Circus - Part Nine
Eva's claws dug tightly into Max's shoulder, and she felt a bit faint as the land went past below them with alarming speed.

by rachelindea


Permanence: Part Three
"How exactly are two Pound pets going to help us?" Arie whispered in my ear.

"Just wait and see," I responded. I had confidence in these two.

by angelpuss535


How Tricky
I guess 'Exciting' can be good or bad.

by narutoluvr935


Armada, Yes, Please!
I don't want to play anymore...

Idea ruben160

by cevierakasky

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