Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 190,724,349 Issue: 576 | 4th day of Sleeping, Y15
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Short Stories

Half Baked

"Nonsense! It's never too cold to swim. As long as you're in an indoor pool."

by dewdropzz

The jelly Shoyru flew, lightning fast, from her Neohome in the Haunted Woods to Neopia Central. She did this often. She was going to meet her best friend for lunch...

by 77thbigby
The Prince

Your patience wore thin.

You escaped.

by itzigurl

From Lost and Pound to Safe and Sound

Being 'stuck' in the pound is not easy business.

by neotime44u

The world was spinning. It was like he was spiralling down a vast dark vortex...

by xaetear
Highest Standards

Have you ever wondered how Kelp maintains its impeccable reputation?

by epicgiggle

"Who are you talking to?" the Kougra asked. Instead of answering the Kougra's question, Tumori walked away quickly.

by kayixu
The Hunter

"You have the right to remain silent, Balthazar," one of the Chia cops said.

The blue Lupe growled darkly...

by spotlightstarzafara

We'll Miss You, Y14

"Your mom makes delicious Fluffy Faerie Pancakes," said Mia, as she licked her little Yurble fingers clean of maple syrup.

by mespirit24
The Best Gift

Amie and Klare held each others hands, whimpering slightly. Their former owner, Taera, looked down at them...

by alpha9spot
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"Half Baked" by dewdropzz
She noticed the bulletin board on the back wall and unconsciously made her way over to it. She didn't often look at the bulletin board, as it rarely advertised anything she found interesting. Today, however, she saw a poster for something right up her alley: A Day of Giving cookie contest! Zami gasped. Baking was...

Other Stories


5 Tips to Key Quest Domination
In order to be a high roller and get the chance to win map pieces and paint brushes, you need to learn how to play strategically.

by kspare2


Style Guide: Aisha Day
Hear ye, hear ye come one and all to another edition of Style Guide. This week's special guest is Abigail!

by ilovezacandhsm


Unbreakable: Part Two
"But that's absolutely mad!" another councilmember shouted. "We can't move Faerieland until we've finished rebuilding. Doesn't he remember the treaty?!"

by sporty2443


The Vitruvian Wizard: Part Four
"And they thought they would find him in a sealed bank vault?" the Judge asked.

"He is a talking skull," Bungle clarified.

by herdygerdy


Lab Rat Blues #3

by garfmaj


Oh Em Gee, I'm M.S.P: Sloth
Hey, listen to this!

by shamaela

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