Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 191,625,758 Issue: 613 | 20th day of Gathering, Y15
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Short Stories

Bigger Than I Look

What if I had some way to carry books and a real backpack? If I was as good a student as any, I wanted to prove it. I wanted to invent something just for me.

by raining_shadow
My Rematch with Balthazar

Some years ago, I challenged Balthazar the bounty hunter over the fate of a Light Faerie he had caught. The battle was a draw, as my owner had to help me drive the evil Lupe away. Ever since, I had known he'd be back to settle the score, and had been training hard.

by blackghoulmon
A Fear of Ghosts

There's nothing scary in Faerieland...

by hogwartsbean3
Jhudora's Fashion Line

"Do you know how in you are, Jhudora-darling?"

by vanessa1357924680
Revenge is Sweet

When King Skarl woke up, that morning, something was a little... different.

Also by sky_lady

by realidade

The Lost Letters of Xandra the Sorceress

Dear Xandra,

I have been watching your progress, both within the ranks of our clandestine league and in your magical studies, and I must say I am truly impressed.

by mystie06


"You said! You said! It's been two months now, and I've been every color EXCEPT for plushie! Is it even possible?"

by lolwutrobby
Snowball Rivalry

"You're going down, Taelia!" 

The Snow Faerie whirled round and squinted into the blizzard, trying to make out the owner of the voice.

by liouchan

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"Snowball Rivalry" by liouchan
"You have no idea how long it took me to prepare for this moment," she said, cracking her knuckles. Bluish sparks sizzled briefly around her hands. "I practiced spells during my work hours. I probably made more healing potions than you cook up in a whole year, for all the pets who will need them in my absence! Tonight is the night I finally beat you..."

Other Stories


An Interview with Farvin III
Today I had the incredible opportunity to meet and interview one of the most famous Alien Aishas out there, Farvin III.

by brickgamer


Pippin Poogle's Pitiful Poogle Day Parade: An Interview
"Welcome to Poogles on Parade Day. I'm Rene Reporter here with Pippin Poogle to talk about his adventures on this lovely day. So Pippin, have you had a good Poogle Parade today?"

Also by titian_starfire

by hottendott


Mr. Pufferton and the Last Magazine: Part Five
Mr. Pufferton yawned, a deep, gasping noise. It was a foghorn in a mine, echoing and vibrating throughout all the earth. "I am a connoisseur of the mystery novel, that is all."

by emblo93


Faerie Wings: The Fate of Kira - Part One
"It's so hot outside," Kira sighed, shutting the front door behind her.

by downrightdude


Catty~ Stealthy
That's the LOUDEST Stealthy pet I've ever seen!

by kittenstealth


Baby Bore: The Apple of my Eye
Remember students: An apple a day keeps the teacher at bay.

by vicamarbu

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