Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 191,754,914 Issue: 618 | 25th day of Collecting, Y15
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Short Stories

Be Careful What You Wish For...

Wakka, the purple Grundo, crept silently through the Haunted Woods. "Quiet... too.. quiet..." she thought to herself.

by viiangel
Miss Eileen

I pushed through the thick woods, dodging branches and tree roots, trying not to get my fur caught in them.

"Sky, come out from your hiding spot!"

by dayoflove

It's Only the Moon

I saw a Werelupe drinking a zeenana slushie at Trader Vick's. His hair was perfect.

by microfilariae
A Roo Island Halloween

"Everyone is going to be in the Haunted Woods for Halloween, so many Neopians looking for a scare that there won't be enough ghouls and ghosts and devilish monsters in the entire forest to scare them all. We should go to Roo Island."

by phadalusfish
Enhancing Your Halloween with Super-SCIENCE!


Co-written by my twin brother, homsar_eggplant

by parody_ham

12:01 Halloween

It was that sound which first woke Fantesha from slumber, like nails on a chalkboard.

by candylandtheonomy
The Draik in Black: The Proxies

It had been three months since Travis had first noticed the mysterious figure.

by dr_tomoe
All That Glitters is Not a Good Gold Draik

Try to stay away from things that offer to show you the "Ultimate Dream Experience".

by star_mama_408
Two Times the Fun

One thing was for sure- that Halloween had descended upon Neopia...

by 2dancers2robots
The Greatest Trick the World Has Ever Seen

It was, as the banner put it, the 6th Annual Little Babinny Halloween Festival, a time of tricking, treating, and all manner of spooking.

by emblo93

We're definitely getting bags and bags of candy this Halloween.

by geniusbulb
Trick Or Trick

"Can we please go trick or treating this year?"

by sophieecanfly
Search the Neopian Times


"Two Times the Fun" by 2dancers2robots
"I'm just gonna be a ghost," Garo said, hoping to steer the conversation a little farther away from some kind of all-out brawl between Lex and Colfer. The pets nodded. Of course, a ghost was a perfectly respectable costume for a day as spooky as this one. And then, of course, Wesson, the proverbial runt of the litter, came bounding up next to them, grinning as his Island wreath banged against...

Other Stories


Mad About Meepits
Take a closer look and let your passion for the small, non-world dominating, peaceful Meepits grow in abundance!

by jockylocky


Spooktastic Tricks & Treats: Dessert Edition
Dessert should always come before dinner.

by noxlyx


Agent of the Sway: Betrayal - Part Six
The news of King Coltzan's death spread the next morning. Clayton and Hopesmeade had made sure to be on the other side of the city with alibis, but in the end it didn't matter.

by herdygerdy


With Many Faces: Part Four
I can't tell you how I escaped from the wizard, because I don't remember doing it. What I can tell you is this: I used the Time Box to get back, I still had the travel watch, and...

by encroached


Blossoms~ Halloween
Merry Chris- er, Halloween!

by twillieblossom


The Cybunny Intelligence
You are what you eat... literally.

by soderham

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