Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 192,769,819 Issue: 661 | 5th day of Gathering, Y16
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Short Stories

A Day in the Life of an Aisha

"One round-trip Uni to the Lost Desert, please," she asked the Gelert at the Transportation Desk.

by goodsigns
The Birthday Aisha

My name is Sweete, and I'm a baby Aisha. Well, the Birthday Aisha, to be exact.

by sushicat1__20
Captain of the Nothingness Guard

Well, Hanso... looks like Faerieland wasn't all it's cracked up to be.

by yoshifan272
The Wilted Winter Flower

Baelia yawned and stretched towards the icy ceiling above her. The young water faerie was still sleepy, and the icy air outside the comforting warmth of her quilt was poor motivation to get out of bed.

by lollypop789321
A Journey Home

Hasua sighed and plopped down on an old tree stump.

"C'mon, we're almost there," Cahlesie said, offering her hand to help Hasua up.

by arcanine346

Usuki Singing Stars #20: G.U.I.L.D.L.E.S.S.

"Would you two like to join my guild?" a pink Wocky asked from behind a bright yellow booth.

by downrightdude
The Gallery Keeper

The best day of my life began at the pound.

by pixiegirl667
A Lost Bruce in the Lost Desert

It was a scorching hot day in the Lost Desert, a sacred land filled with ancient cities and heaps of sand. The sun blazed mercilessly in the clear sky...

by magicmango33
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Protect the Snowmen!

If I had to make a list of the top ten games that intimidated me, or that I thought I would never master, then Snow Wars II definitely would be at the top of that list. After recently achieving the avatar, I would like to provide some tips that will hopefully melt away all your fears about Snow Wars II. Let's get started!

Other Stories


Can You Make A Million In A Month?
I wanted to see if the premise was flawed, or whether it actually was possible to make a million neopoints in one month.

by swimmingstar01


The Kadoatery: New Time System Explanation
I am here today to explain to you the new time system.

by vitorplemes


Stachetastic: the Hair-Raising Origin - Part Eight
"Finally ready to come back in, aren't you, Norman?" the Kougra purred without turning around.

by flufflepuff


Deception, Suspicion, Alliance and Missions: Part Two
In their cheap tuxedos and suffocating ties, Lunor and Blint looked quite the part as they sat down to play Cheat.

by absdafabs


Bread and Butter

by _epiphany_


Plushie Pun
Time for some cake?

by hazardragon

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