Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 193,289,537 Issue: 681 | 15th day of Hunting, Y17
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Short Stories

A New Beginning

Can a Vandagyre find their place in the big wide world of Neopia?

by 000688
The Cursed Carousel

"They're going to renovate the Haunted Fairgrounds?"

by blackghoulmon
Baby Beginnings

"I've been answering questions from the other babies this morning. One of them was this, 'How did Baby Neoschool start?'"

by bunnyhugsgirl

"We should come here more often," I plead. My eldest sister would barely get out of the house unless hunting for bargain book sales.

by yomiko_shinigami
The Doctor Is In

The little Gelert boy coughed again, even harder than before...

by spittingcobra1
August's Wish

"Wow! I can't believe we're finally in Shenkuu!" May exclaimed, his bushy tail swinging behind him as he swiveled every which way.

by themaybird
Usuki Singing Stars #24: Two for Tea

I, Lola, courteously invite you, Patricia, to attend a very special tea party this Saturday at noon...

by downrightdude
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"August's Wish" by themaybird
"Wow! I can't believe we're finally in Shenkuu!" May exclaimed, his bushy tail swinging behind him as he swiveled every which way. "It's beautiful," August agreed. "I can't believe you've never been. We live right over in Altador..."

Other Stories


The Neopian Scholar's Guide to Time Traveling
What my colleague, Mr. Xium, and I have put together is a guideline on time traveling based on archival research and interviews, along with proof as to how it can be done.

Also by rielcz

by flufflepuff


The Traveling Neopian: Neolodge Reviews: Stop #6
Don't spend your holiday in a tent! Read a review from your buddy, Brent!

by cadetbush


Janet and Jane: The Case of the Museum at Midnight - Part Two
"I'm the ghost of the museum and I've been noticing things moving around and disappearing without me doing anything..."

by chasing_stars44


Poof!: Part One
"Wait! Where's Ponder?" Sycamore asked.

The Kookith shrugged his shoulders.

by 77thbigby


Winter/Summer, Summer/Winter
It's not easy having different seasons to your owner.

by acquta


Lame Pun: Horsefish
Let's Say 'Neigh'.

by blackaavar

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