Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 194,803,276 Issue: 796 | 8th day of Gathering, Y19
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Short Stories

The Untold Tales of Dr. Death

“How about I tell a story?” she said. “I have a good one saved up anyway.”

by vaeneficus
The Moach and the Mage

Everyone knows each sorceress, wizard, mage, and magician has a familiar: a focal point and animated guide through which they channel their mystic abilities.

by apothecary
Team Mutant

It's Mutant Day! Only the happiest time of year for this writer so I present this as a token of my love.

by hshtagcoffee
The Lost Crystal of Krawk Island

Let me begin the story by saying Seth was no ordinary Skeith. He was not grumpy, or obnoxious, in fact he was happy, and filled with knowledge.

by salpal26
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In Defense of Mutant Grundos

It’s that time of year again. The end of this month brings us the Grundo Independence Day, and a day after, as if to add insult to injury, Mutant Day is observed. With these two holidays in mind, I’ve decided to bring you an article discussing a very particular pet. My goal is to dispel most of the myths and misconceptions this pet has garnered over the years, and who knows, maybe even convince you to take one home with you in these two special days!

Other Stories


Top 10 Gifts for the Knitter in Your Life
This guide offers a great range for a Neopian with any sort of budget. From books to supplies to wearables, we cover everything in the knitting community.

by freeread


Tyrannian Concert Hall: Who's Playing? Part 2
The rest of the bands!

by mouseketeers


There Goes That Man and His Kite: Epilogue
Perhaps this was meant to be the slightly-less-than-grand finale of my adventure. Perhaps it was time for me to bring my kite-scapades to a humble close.

Art by chasing_stars44

by dewdropzz


Master of Ceremonies: Part Two
Sunlight crept through the leafless trees above her and caressed her sleeping eyes.

Also by bookworm7

by sin_hui_ryoma


Tom Sacred: Origins
How Tom got into her current Predicament

by spidey1200


Caption Contest Troubles
Uh...what happened?

Also by sanamm and afsheen_27

by admonisher

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