Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 195,816,901 Issue: 865 | 10th day of Hunting, Y21
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Short Stories

A day at the Usuki-Con

In room number 28 of the Cheap Hotel was a young unconverted Faerie Xweetok who was sitting on her Beauty Bed with her Gold Ona and Bumbluz.

by bubbles150
Ways To Rebuild

The day when the faeries turned to stone, when no one knew what to do as Faerieland shuddered and shook and came crashing from the sky, were the worst of Penny’s life.

by leopardy
The Rainbow Ticket

After a long day editing for the Neopian Times, a starry gelert trots home through downtown Neopia. When passing by the local candy store, something catches his eye.

by thebiscuitbunch
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"Ways To Rebuild" by leopardy
The day when the faeries turned to stone, when no one knew what to do as Faerieland shuddered and shook and came crashing from the sky, were the worst of Penny’s life. Carlita, always the first in line to comfort her siblings, had said that whatever happened next, at least they would never had to live through those days again. She was right, of course. But what could you call living each day of the aftermath if not still living through it in some way? * * * When she was younger, Penny’s favourite excuse for getting out of doing her share of household chores was that it was much easier to clean with paws than with hooves. Years later, she found that there was more truth to it than she’d realized. In the clean up after the final battle, she couldn’t help but be frustrated by how all the sweeping and scrubbing took her acara sisters a fraction of the time it took her.

Other Stories


Preparing Early For The Altador Cup!
It's never too early to get ready for the Altador Cup! This yearly summer event is one of the most anticipated parts of playing Neopets. It comes and goes in the blink of an eye, an adrenaline fueled fever dream, and by the time it ends you'll already be wishing it was next year so you can play again!

by zuniak


A Faerie's Guide to Magic and Mischief
How to prank like a faerie!

by katniss_66


The Forgotten Years:Part Four
As the trio walked down the chamber staircase, Queen Nera continued their conversation from earlier. She appreciated that the two heroes listened to her story. They seemed interested and cared about the large city and its residents.

by trishabeakens


Shadow Play:Part Ten
The next morning, much to Terra’s surprise, Zoltan elected to join them for breakfast in the cafeteria.

by cosmicfire918


Fit for a Queen
So eye catching...

by _brainchild_


Blossoms~ Part 8
Maybe next time?

by twillieblossom

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