Where there's a Weewoo, there's a way Circulation: 196,098,192 Issue: 894 | 13th day of Running, Y22
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Short Stories

Victor the Gargoyle

A story about an eyrie who just wants to watch the sunrise

by rkbear
An Unlikely Friend

Most Neopets had been born, hatched, or made in Neopia. In fact, it’s almost unheard of for a Neopet NOT to come from Neopia. Most Neopets know what it’s like to be an outsider in other lands, but even if one land is strange to them, home isn’t far off.

by shiningarcheops
Sharp Shards

“Oh benevolent, loving-“ “Give me a break.” Shard the Carmariller was currently bugging her Usul’s human caretaker Ribbon for more food at their family meeting. Food which the family simply couldn’t afford at the moment.

by ribbon_cute
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Neolodge Review: The Cockroach Towers

Are you tired of your same old boring routines? Or maybe just tired in general? Have you ever felt that you could be someplace else, meeting new people, trying new stuff, and having a little bit of fun and excitement? Or do you feel like you just aren’t getting the rest and relaxation that you know you deserve? If your answer to at least one of these questions is yes, then I know something that may just help with that! If you’re looking for a little bit of rest and relaxation sprinkled with some fun and excitement, and something a little different to start the new year off, then booking a stay at the Neolodge sounds like the perfect thing for you! There’s a whole lot of different lodging options, each with their own unique quirks and amenities, but it’s sure to refresh your mind and cheer you up no matter which you choose. To those who are unfamiliar, you can book a stay by heading over to the Grand Neopian Neolodge located in Neopia Central.

Other Stories


Top 10 Illusen Items to Celebrate Illusen Day!
Who doesn’t love the heartwarming and friendly Earth Faerie of Meridell, Illusen?Also written by milkshakes004 and masters_united

by breakeven


Going Totally Nuts For Turdles
Dedicated to the I like turtles kid; what is he up to these days?

by cinnamontea


Harker's Story
By the time Harker managed to escape from Jane Clementine’s clutches, hail a cab and return home, he found Aren in one of the guest bedrooms, wrapped up in a thick woollen blanket and deeply asleep.

by tanikagillam


The River that Flows Eternal
When Rikti awoke, it was early morning. The sky outside was pinkish blue, crisscrossed by scudding clouds. He sighed, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere, before massaging his neck. It was still sore after yesterday’s events.

by movie138music


Just Cake #14
A sticky situation.

by flameshard


Wisdom of the Ancients
At least your hands didn't glow blue this time.

by lastnightgus

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