| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
"Somewhere out there, Sloth still lurks, with several Grundos waiting on his every whim."
Dressing Your Mutant
Apparently, you like mutants. I guess that's why you decided to read this article! Well, no matter. We may not have scared you with mutants, but we can at least give you some ideas to dress your mutants with! You may think mutants are un-customizable because they can't wear regular clothing, right? Well – wrong! Sure, they can't wear most clothing items. They're mutants, after all, and regular clothing doesn't account for bigger bodies or extra arms... or heads. But Fuz (sinistrous) and I have scoured Neopia... |
Paint Brush Polls: Robot
Robot pets: rare treasures that must be coerced from your friendly neighborhood mad scientist Scorchio (or his long-retired, single-use, zappermajig home product). Whether you own one of these beauties or not, we know you have an opinion about them. That's why we asked you, the users of Neopia, to vote for your favorite Robot styles. Over 200 users voted and the top 10 pets are on display below. Prepare yourself to be awed--just don't stand too close, in case someone short-circuits... |
 | Top 10 Mutant Shopkeepers
It's Mutant Day. The whole of Neopia is slathered in slime, tentacles, and of course the monstrous creations of Dr. Sloth. What better way to celebrate our mutated pets but to change your shopkeeper! *Silence* Okay, so I understand that most people would think that maybe mutating your pet, or buying random mutant items would be a much better way to celebrate of mutants. But this is NOT a top ten list of mutant petpets or mutant pets. This is a list of the best, number one, totally amazing... |
Other Stories |
"The Patterns We Make" by frazeocity "Hey sir," came a voice to his side. "Can you spare a few neopoints?" The owner usually shrugged off requests like these, since giving change to one pet would usually trigger a cascade of pets asking for a handout. He would end up either giving away all of his money or shooing away a cluster of expectant pets with hunger in their eyes. But feeling an odd urge, he dug into his pocket, grabbed a few coins... |
"When Mr. Weatherby Forgot How To Say No" by partonsvite Most days, it was quiet. Today had been one of those days, and I relished it. I perched atop my beaten old stool and retrieved my spectacles from my waistcoat pocket; the world slipped into focus as I placed them delicately on my beak, and leaned in to work. There was a really rather broken watch scattered about my workbench, its myriad of beautiful brass parts glinting gently... |
"Released" by laurapet131 Darigan looked up, his face blank—or, more correctly, his emotions hidden behind a blank face. "Ah, yes. I require a favor of you, Vex." Vex nodded, mentally running through a list of things that Lord Darigan could require of him. Take care of a new prisoner? Spend less time playing Cellblock? Keep his cell guards in line? "I would like you to release a prisoner," Lord Darigan said lightly, turning away from Vex again... |
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