| Your questions answered! Read the answers to the most commonly asked Neopets questions this week in the Editorial section. Each week the most popular questions will be answered by one of the creators of Neopets, so keep checking back to stay updated.
Quote of the Week
A beautiful wake-up call, like the sound of twittering songbirds, starts my… adventure. I guess you could call it that.
Dessert Pet Care and You
Over the years, I’ve owned a number of food based pets- From custard to jelly, and chocolate to biscuit, not to mention fruit Chias and strawberry pets! Even now, I find myself doing research to care for a candy pet. I’ve noticed a number of bad rumors going around about food based pets, and I’m here to clear those up and give you proper tips on the diets, grooming, and care of your food pets! In this article, I’ll be going over the care of Desert based pets! Keep an eye out for a future article on the care of your fruit and veggie pets!
15 of Neopia's Scariest Books
Halloween is just around the corner, which means now is the perfect time to snuggle up with your pets and read to them some spine-tingling tales guaranteed to get them into the spirit of the spookiest night of the year. If they're brave enough, that is! Some of these stories could keep even the toughest of Darigan Grarrls up all night. Now without further ado, I present to you, fifteen of Neopia's most frightening books. If the creepy, life-like Spyder on the cover of this book isn't enough to scare you, the stories inside it will certainly do the trick! |
 | Talek's Trophy Tips: S.M.E.L.T.I.N.G. with Tangor
Ever wondered how to get that shiny golden trophy? Or chase up that elusive avatar? With guides abound, it has never been easier to get trophies. Everyone’s writing down tips, but you still can’t wrap your head around it? Talek will take you down the path towards the gamer superstardom. Follow this new series of “Talek’s Trophy Tips”, and every few weeks I will present you with a new tutorial how to make it to the top of the scoreboard. This article will provide a step-by-step tutorial and some advanced insight to reach that extra mile.
NOTE: This step-by-step guide will set you on the path to stand the highest chance of getting a champion trophy after the monthly trophy reset. For the month-to-month evolution of the scores, consult TrophyTracker’s petpage.
Other Stories |
"Skipping School" by invalid I'm Iciefur, an average faerie Xweetok. I have two sisters, a brother, and an owner. Okay, okay, normal Neopian family, right?
Not so.
Angeilyca, the perfect little angel Zafara, right? Uh-huh. Riiight. Angie spends all her time running away, getting into things she shouldn’t get into, and making a fool of herself. Like when she thought she could make a million Neopoints by displaying her atrocious - I’m sorry, I meant beautiful - singing voice on the main street in Neopia Central. I find it quite funny, and I am met with a scorching glare from my owner, Kate, whenever I laugh.
Sheiluu, he’s the brother, and he’s the lab pet. He usually enjoys it, except when he’s weakened or turned into a girl. Then I can really get at him; you have NO idea how much fun it is to beat your older brother in a brawl. Oh, not to mention the fact he’s stuck with eyelashes when he’s a girl. He gets into HUGE temper-tantrums after some zaps. When he was a Ghost Yurble, it was almost frightening. Almost. But that was a while ago; he’s been Yellow for quite some time, so we don’t have to worry about that anymore.
Miekeia’s a baby Kougra, but she’s the oldest. Boochi hit her a few months ago. If only you could have seen her face! While we were walking to the bookstore, that little baby Bruce pops out of the bushes and gets in a zap right between her eyes. A flash of light, and there Miekeia sat, her vividly electric body reduced to a big-eyed bundle of fur at our feet. I do give her credit, though: she got her poise back fast, and managed to pull off one good swipe at Boochi before he disappeared. She was seething with rage afterward. Now, she’s gotten used to it, but it’s still funny to see her beating the snot out of Meuka (literally), or giving me elder-sisterly advice, and she’s still only halfway to my shoulder. |
"My Childhood Neohome" by jillcrash When the buyers arrived, Rupies was already sitting on the front steps of her childhood Neohome waiting for them. The pair of Kacheeks seemed surprised to see such a brilliantly painted pet in a neighbourhood as… well… ordinary as Neopian Central. However, after only a brief moment of hesitation, they approached the Darigan Lupe and introduced themselves politely.
Though Darigan is considered a bit of a… aggressive color, Rupies did not consider herself an aggressive Neopet. She had her vices, and her brothers sometimes got on her nerves, but overall she was a gentle soul and of no danger to anyone. Her fierce appearance was softened by a twinkle of kindness in her red eyes.
Rupies stood at their approach and nodded, listening to their introduction before turning to gaze at the place she, until very recently, had called home. A wistful expression came over her, but any regrets were quickly pushed aside as she welcomed the pair and began to point out key selling points of the front yard.
She took them along the beautiful front gardens, featuring a lovely display of Aurora Lilies as the main focus. A whimsical gnome nestled between two bushes, a cheerful smile frozen on his face. There was even a section dedicated to bamboo, a favourite of one of Rupies’ brothers.
"Although it may not be as new as others listed at the same price point, this Neohome has been built with only the best materials. It was designed to last a lifetime." Rupies directed the Kacheeks to the porch, inviting them to look closely at the wood for signs of wear and tear.
As they admired the craftsmanship, the female turned to Rupies with a smile. "How long have you lived here?" she asked shyly.
"Since I was quite young," Rupies replied, hesitating for a moment. "It used to belong to an elderly Cybunny. |
"A Pound Story: Part Two" by eyre101619 The week had passed before she knew it, and so Ihae found herself on the way to the Neopian Pound, ready to get back to work this weekend.
So far, she still hadn’t come up with some way to cheer up the many pets who were stuck there. Everything she could think of either just wasn’t good enough, or might even make matters worse. A Talent Show, for instance, might just further discourage those among the abandoned pets who had no talents to show off, making them think they were worthless and might never be adopted. Ihae was stumped.
She entered the Pound, and was surprised to find no one in the waiting room, yet again. This time, though, it looked like she really was completely alone. Rose knew when Ihae would arrive, but she was apparently off tending to some other matter – there was a lot to do at the Pound, as Ihae had found out the previous weekend. She sighed and took a seat, having decided to wait for a few minutes before going to look for someone. The boxes wouldn’t move themselves until she started, something she found somewhat unfortunate.
Just as Ihae was going to get up and look for someone, Rose came into the room, with Yvonne into tow. The young Tuskaninny was glaring at the ground now, begrudgingly following.
"Sorry for being late!" Rose exclaimed, "I had to round up Yvonne. She’s going to be helping you today."
Ihae raised an eyebrow questioningly. Not only did it not seem like the Tuskaninny wanted to get along well with her, something she imagined might make the job even worse for both of them, she also didn’t look like she was used to – or capable of – heavy lifting. It was something she just imagined someone with fins wouldn’t be great at. Then again, Ihae supposed she didn’t look like someone who did a lot of manual work, either. |
 | Come Visit The Prehistoric Land! This week's issue is brought to you by: Tyrannia |
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