Katie the Enchantress by kindheartedfairy
A blur of azure, brown, and yellow whizzed by, leaving a
trail of golden dust. The Faerie Bori laughed in pure delight as he flew on his
broomstick. The enchanter loved learning to fly like this!
Terry looked down to see his best friend staring
up at him. Terry let out a small sigh and landed, or for a more accurate word,
crashed, near the Blue Acara.
"Katie, do you want to fly now?" he asked.
"No," she replied. "I'm thinking about my brothers
and sisters."
Katie's mother was a witch, and so were Katie
and her siblings. But their father was not, and he hated magic. When he decided
he would rid himself and everyone else of Katie for good a few months ago, she
had run away to find her mother in the Haunted Woods. Then she had found her
mother and Terry, now her best friend. Terry and Cheryl, Katie's mother, had
since then helped Katie catch up with all of the training she had missed. She
had, by determination mostly, advanced far enough to be at the level of an enchantress,
as Terry was an enchanter. She had considered it amazing that she had covered
so much of two years' worth, but Terry said it was her mother's blood. But Katie
knew he played a great part in it, too.
"Well, what about them?" Terry asked in response.
"I have this strange feeling we should go try
t- I mean, get them. And I still don't know why every time I think or say that,
I keep saying 'try to.'"
"Well, maybe you're just not sure of us going
"Well, I feel sure of me going."
"Then, hop on! I'll go with you."
"But how will you go if the broom only supports
one of us?"
"Have you forgotten about these?" Terry asked,
spreading his wings. "I can fly along with you."
"Okay then, let's go." Katie wrapped two paws
around the broomstick. Immediately, it began rising into the air. "Whoa, whoa,
sto-" She let go of the broomstick with one paw, but the other seemed to be
glued to the wood.
Terry flew up after her, and grabbed the broomstick.
"Climb on. It knows where you're going, so you don't need flying lessons. Just
stop thinking about Maraqua and start thinking about getting on."
Katie followed his instructions, and the broom
descended to hover only a foot off of the ground. Katie climbed on, and as soon
as she got a good grip, the broom sped off, with Terry catching up easily, as
though he had done it all his life.
Soon they were high above the trees, the full
moon shining down on them and the Haunted Woods below. Katie looked down, but
she could see nothing, as though the whole world had been swallowed up by darkness,
and all that was left were, she, Terry, and the sky.
"How come there's nothing down there?" Katie
called to Terry, who seemed to be a little tired.
"Oh, it's the dark void! A few things have fallen
in, and we haven't seen them since!" Terry answered. "Just keep on flying! It
isn't really that bad, no one has ever been in there, so we assume nothing bad
happens to them."
"Or maybe something does," Katie whispered to
herself. Terry was rarely afraid. He only feared water, and other things that
harmed him. But like all other sorcerers, he was never afraid of the dark. Who
knew what lay in there? She looked down at the dark void again, and the broom
began to shake violently. Katie began to shiver, but it was not even the slightest
bit cold. She felt a wave of calm washing over her, and she loosened her grip
on the broom. As soon as the wave passed, she realized she had fallen, and she
was about to fall deep into the dark void…
…Katie opened her eyes. She lay on a Wrought
Iron Bed, which she found rather soft. She heard footsteps. Katie slowly turned
her head, realizing how weak she felt, to see a strange sight that was quite
new to her.
She saw a Neopet clad in black entirely; she
wore a black dress with matching big black boots. The creature had a grayish
brown color to her fur and wings. Her wings were those of a Korbat or Shoyru,
but Katie could tell the Neopet was an Acara. But unlike any other Acaras Katie
had seen, this one had a grayish brown tail with a triangle on the end. Her
eyes were golden like Katie's own eyes, but this Acara's eyes were of a dim
golden shade. A pair of shiny, black, twisted and bent horns stuck out of this
strange Acara's head. Her red claws gleamed in the dim light Katie could easily
see with. Around her neck and wrists were gold-gray beads. The Acara began to
"Finally, you're awake. It's been almost an
"Who are you?" Katie asked fearfully.
The Acara ignored her, continuing, "You're one
of those sorceresses in the town not far from here, aren't you?"
Katie barely managed to give a slight nod. After
moments she had realized she wasn't at all afraid of any of the common creatures
in the Haunted Woods, but this was different.
"Don't let my appearance scare you," the Acara
said, having read the clear look of fear displayed on the Blue Acara's face.
"I'm not scary."
"Who are you?" Katie repeated, overcoming her
shock. Slowly she became calmer.
"Valerie, Vira's sister," was the reply. A quick
autobiography was given. Once that was done, Katie summarized her story.
There was a moment of silence before anyone
said anything. "How do you know about us? According to Terry, anything in here
has never come out," Katie said.
"No one knows I live here," Valerie answered.
"And also, on another subject…when I had this transformation, I gained the knowledge
and abilities of a full-fledged sorceress. I could teach you a few things, if
you like."
So Katie spent the next hour learning a lot
of things that were not known by any pet she knew. She learned all about the
creatures of the Haunted Woods, which ones were friendly, which ones weren't,
which spells would fend the unfriendly ones off, and all about the land of the
Haunted Woods.
Katie was just about to re-try a spell that
would create light that could work as a substitute for moonlight, starlight,
or sunlight (personally, Katie didn't find any purpose common enough for this
spell to be devised) when a small gray and green blur leapt onto her arm. A
metal spike poking out of leather dug into Katie's arm and she screamed in pain
for a split second.
"Zobelgak!" Valerie scolded, and the petpet
leaped down, and the spike digging into Katie was gone.
Katie looked down to see a Zomutt staring up
at her. Around its neck was a black leather collar studded with metal spikes;
apparently one had dug into her through her blue fur. "Is that a…Zomutt?"
"Yes," Valerie answered. "His name is-"
"Zoblegak," Katie finished. "Why did you decide
to name him that?"
"I've been in the Haunted Woods for a long time.
Zoblegak is the name of a very famous sorcerer, who always thought to act first,
questions later. It did get him into a lot of messes. And in a way, this Zoblegak
is impulsive, too."
"What kind of trouble did your petpet get himself
into?" Katie asked, curious.
Valerie proceeded to tell Katie numerous tales
of the Zomutt who was now racing around the room energetically. Among other
things, Zoblegak had once decided to try and get a bag of candy from the previous
Halloween that had somehow blown into a tree branch. He had rapidly made his
way up, and then eaten all of the candy, which had made him sick, so after a
couple of days, he was mournfully resting in a small basket, unable to run around
and play.
As Valerie concluded the tale of Zoblegak digging
up a pile of bones, the ghost long gone, hooves stepped toward the three.
Katie looked in the directions the hoofsteps
were coming from to see a Halloween Uni.
"Davis, this is Katie," Valerie said. "Katie,
"Who's he?" Katie asked Valerie.
"And who's she?" Davis asked, also directing
the question to Valerie.
"I'm an enchantress," Katie said.
"Well, I'm an enchanter," Davis said. "Did you
fall in here and meet Valerie too?"
"Well, yes," the Blue Acara answered. "That's
what happened to you?"
The Uni nodded. "Did you fall in today?"
"Yeah," Katie asked.
"I fell in a few months ago, and since then
I've dropped by for a couple of visits."
"So, then…" Katie paused. "Does that mean there's
a way out?" she asked hopefully.
"Yes," Valerie answered, joining the conversation.
She walked past the ear-scratching petpet and gestured to the way Davis had
come from. "Just go through here. It's very difficult to find the way in from
the outside if you don't know where it is or that it's there."
Davis nodded in agreement. "I put a pile of
broken tree branches exactly seven feet to the left of the doorway. I'll show
As they walked put, and Davis showed Katie the
wood, they began the walk back to the town.
A minute later, Katie stopped. "I just remembered!
I have to find Terry. We were flying towards Maraqua -I'll tell you why later-
and that's when I fell. Terry!" she called.
"What?" the Faerie Bori asked, stepping through
the dark and dead trees. "Katie? Where have you been? You missed the dark void,
right? I've been looking all over for you!" His golden eyes slid to Davis. "Hey,
you're Davis! I've seen you before. Or at least, heard about you for hours a
week. My mom sometimes helps your grandparents with some weekly stuff. My mom
sometimes makes me come along too, and all I hear from all three of them is
about this and that, and grandchildren, and the three hundred neopoint spooky
"Actually, Terry," Katie interrupted. "I did
fall in there, but…" she continued, explaining everything that had just happened.
"Really?" Terry asked, sounding and looking
amazed. But Katie could still tell he doubted her story a little.
The trio began their walk back home after a
few minutes of silence.
Katie's bright yellow eyes looked around fearfully.
If she remembered correctly, Valerie had said that there were many dangerous
creatures near the dark void. She hoped she had learned a bit about of all of
them sometime in her life.
A pair of red eyes glowed in the shadows.
Katie stopped as soon as she saw them. Her attentive
ears picked up a growl.
A howling Werelupe leaped out of the shadows,
clawing at Terry as many other Werelupes came out of the shadows, rapidly advancing
on the three.
Katie tried to remember what Valerie had told
her about Werelupes…they only came out at night, but why? She struggled to remember.
They only came out at night because the light was their enemy. But not just
any light. Only intense, bright golden light could affect them. Sunlight counted.
Katie held up a paw and uttered the spell that stuck in her mind, since she
had found it usually useless. Her paw glowed as bright as the sun, and along
with the whimpering Werelupes, Katie glimpsed many other creatures fleeing the
light as well.
Terry looked at Katie. "Where'd you learn that?
You did fall into the dark void and all that stuff happened to yo- I mean, not
that I doubted it at all." He grinned innocently.
"C'mon," Davis said. "Let's go home." And they
did, awaiting their next adventure.
The End