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The Legend of the Geraptiku Fly Trap

by kougrabrightvale44


The Geraptiku Fly Trap is a very incredible plant, if you come to think about it. The Lost City of Geraptiku may not have survived and thrived over the years, but this wonderful plant is one of the only things that has.

Sure, we have a whole bunch of Geraptiku foods, but many of the Mystery Island Neopians cook the food in honor, or for fun.

This is the Legend of how your beautiful little Geraptiku Plant has become very famous for protecting your Neohome while away on a vacation.

A long time ago, people of Geraptiku used to grow these sacred plants for the protection of their village. Mystery Island can have some pretty scary creatures; just ask Jake the Explorer from his brave hunting experience to help the Mystery Island Elders.

The scientific way the people Geraptiku have created the plant is unknown, but in the Legend, the people had to go near the far shores of Mystery Island to obtain some Orange sand, some Purple sand, and a small, a spot of Noxious Nectar, and a regular seed of a yellow wild flower that grew near their village.

First, the Geraptiku people would plant a fire bush in soft soil. Then they would plant the seed of the yellow wild flower in the soil by the Fire Bush and bury it with the mixtures of the Orange sand and the Purple sand and sprinkle a bit of Noxious Nectar over the new seed to give it strength and to help it grow. (The largest Geraptiku Fly Trap is standing at about 3-4 feet tall.)

Since these plants take a long time to grow, the Geraptiku people would whip out a guitar and start to sing to it. Even is it was raining outside. And this was how the Geraptiku plant was born. Soon, all of the Islanders began to worship their new protector.

    It may seem very silly, but that’s what is says in the Legend. Now they grow these plants with only one seedling and, like the people of Geraptiku used to do, they grow these seeds right next to a Fire Bush.

So, if you’re thinking about making a Geraptiku themed garden, or having a protector at your doorsteps, you would definitely consider a Geraptiku Fly Trap.

To make your new protector happy, one of your main goals is to keep a Fire Bush next to the astounding plant. They love to feel the warmth and comfort of their original homeland, even if they didn’t grow up there.

The Fly Traps have very human-like characteristics too. They have teeth, they move, and they eat and drink, like us. One thing they bring and we don't, is luck.

You might want to purchase a small fountain for water supply, but if you live in Maraqua, a fountain is not needed. And if you live in Terror Mountain, you won’t need a fountain either because of all the snow the plant can absorb when wanting too.

To help give it even more comfort, you can try placing more plants of its type around it, but results can vary depending on what king of personality your Geraptiku Flay Trap has. If you do not want any more Geraptiku Fly Traps, you can give it company by putting a Gnome in the same garden.

Many of the Geraptiku plants can be found at the Gardening Supply Center of course, but it is not always there. If it is there and the gardener is giving you trouble about giving him the right price for it, try the shop wizard, but be warned; some people may be greedy about the price they put it up for. I bought my Fly Trap for about 150 NP at the most.

And did I tell you how the Geraptiku Fly Trap got its teeth? No? Well... they didn’t always have teeth when they were first announced to the world. Some say they didn’t get their human characteristics yet either. In the belief of how the plant first started, the Geraptiku people thought that the Neopian faeries of the past gave all flowers their own special characteristics having to do with the region it lived in. So they gave the Fly Trap teeth so the plant can help protect people. (I’m just wondering where the Mordongos originated from... Have to do more research on that, I guess.) But like I say, the scientific way is of the plants having their own characteristic is unknown.

**The Legend was found engraved in one of the Cave walls. And you can thank Jake for that. What a lucky Kougra... Anyway, Jake wanted to explore the sacred land to see what secrets were bestowed upon the spooky looking place. Climbing many mountains in the ancient village, atop of the highest mountain, you could see almost everything. The view was breathtaking. And it didn’t look as spooky as it did below. Jake turned his head to explore a bit and something caught his eye. In the underbrush of the trees and grass atop the mountain, he found a mysterious rock about the size of your hand. The print was very small and it was in another language. Jake, acting quickly, put the rock in his backpack and headed, both day and night without hardly stopping, so he could talk to the Elders of Mystery Island about it.

A week later, he had arrived, so tired, to the Elders. Astonished, the Elders began to unlock the secrets about Geraptiku, hoping to find out what ever happened to its people. They flipped the rock over to find out it was in English so they could read it. Once read, it was the Legend behind the Geraptiku Fly Trap. The Legend began to spread through Mystery Island, so now, I want to introduce it to others that have not heard about it. Thanks to Jake, we now know that the People of Geraptiku spoke a different Language, and that might be one step closer to finding out how the Geraptiku People disappeared. (Just think of all the rewards Jake is getting for finding out such a thing!)**

But one thing is known. Many kings across Neopia today use these plants to protect themselves. King Hagan uses this plant to protect the fields of Brightvale that contain their special fruit. And King Skarl uses the Fly Trap to scare off people who tell bad jokes.

Now, many Neopians are placing these plants at their doorways for many reasons.

1.) They are going on vacation.

2.) They have no security system.

3.) They live alone and want company.

4.) They think the Geraptiku plant is really cool.

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