Darigan Dilemmas by captain_amber140
Hello. My name is Captain_amber140, but I prefer to be called Amber, and this is my Darigan Pteri, Embrave.Many people fear Darigan pets. Most think that they are mindless evil fiends that are only awake during the night and like ripping the heads off plushies. However, this isn’t true! Most Darigan pets can be trained to be fairly nice; you just have to show them tender, loving care. With the right treatment, your Darigan pet can be made docile, friendly, and can even become your best friend!
Part 1: Physical appearance
Now, there are many physical differences between Darigan and ‘normal’ or basic pets. For a start, Darigan pets tend to come in darker blacks and purples; however, it isn’t rare to see red or yellow fur/feathers. Darigan pets also tend to be stronger than the average pets. The fur of Darigan pets tends to be longer than normal. If you look closely, you will see that the skin of most Darigan pets is dark. This is only true for the pets with feathers or fur. Experts and neologists are still unsure as to why this is, but it is believed to keep the pet warm, as Darigan pets prefer to live in cold, dark areas, such as mountains and caves. The dark skin is also believed to offer some camouflage to newborn Darigans, who have not yet grown fur or feathers. It is still unknown as to why non-furred Darigans, such as Grarrls, do not have dark skin, but the most likely theory is that they prefer to live in warmer climates, and have no need for dark skin.
Another physical difference between Darigans and basics is weapons. Darigan pets tend to have larger claws, teeth, and often spikes to protect themselves with. Experts believe that this is because Darigans live in harsher environments, and, unlike most basics, are solitary and get into more fights.
It is these two factors that have given Darigan pets a bad name. Because they have dark fur/feathers/skin, and sharp teeth and claws, many people automatically class them as ‘evil’; however, the truth is, they are just misunderstood. Part 2: Personality
The personality of Darigan pets has also given them a bad name. Darigan pets tend to be more closed, secretive and distrusting than other pets. This is believed to be because Darigan pets are still classified as ‘wild’. The Darigan pet has not been domesticated for as long as some other pets. This, and their naturally unfriendly nature, gives them a somewhat frightening appearance. Darigan pets are very special. Each one has a certain skill that they excel at. For instance, Darigan Draiks are well known for their ability to solve puzzles, and are extremely smart. And once a Darigan Eyrie has hidden something, it is almost impossible to locate it again. Even if you have trained your Darigan Eyrie well, it still will not be able to resist the urge to hide things. However, if you have developed a bond or friendship, he/she will give the stolen item back, and will tend to hide things as a game as opposed to a natural instinct. Darigan pets have developed these skills in order to survive in harsh environments. Many people think that just because a pet is Darigan, it is evil; however, this is very, very untrue. It is a fact that Darigan pets often aren’t as social as other pets, but many are actually quite friendly. Many Darigan pets would just like to have fun, and live a peaceful life, without harsh comments or sneers being thrown at them as they walk down the street with their owner. Some Darigan pets are even more peaceful than basic pets! There is a sanctuary in Terror Mountain where Darigan pets can go and live in peace, without the hate of the other pets following them. Of course, non-Darigan pets are welcome, as long as they stay by the rules of the sanctuary and come with peace in their soul.
Part 3: Acquiring a Darigan pet
Darigan pets are one of the most sought after pets in Neopia, and it’s easy to see why! Their coats are sleek and glossy; they have fascinating personalities and are cunning and skilled. So, you’re wondering how you can get a Darigan pet? Well, there are five ways.
1: The most obvious way, the Darigan paint brush. Darigan paint brushes will turn one of your pets Darigan. A Darigan paint brush can be obtained from the Hidden Tower, but it will cost you quite a lot of neopoints.
2: A Darigan morphing potion is another way to get a Darigan pet. Not only will it turn your pet Darigan, but it will turn it into a different species! Darigan morphing potions can be bought from the magic shop.
3: If you are very lucky, the Fountain Faerie may give you a quest! If you complete the quest, she will give you access to the Rainbow Fountain, a magical pool that will turn your pet almost any color! Remember, though, you can only paint ONE of your pets at the fountain, and you must complete her quest beforehand. Also, the quests are usually much more expensive than ordinary faerie quests.
4: A flask of rainbow fountain water can really give your pet a change! If drunk, it will turn your pet a random color. They can be fished out of the water in the underwater fishing cavern.
5: The lab ray is a dangerous, deadly device that can horribly alter your pet, never to be the same again... Oh, who is Neo kidding? It’s heaps of fun! If you collect all 9 pieces of the secret laboratory map, you gain access to the secret laboratory. Once you use the pieces, though, they disappear, so don’t think you can just get your Darigan pet, then sell the pieces! The lab ray is a very erratic hunk of junk. Sure, your pet may turn Darigan. But remember, it is not likely. Almost anything could happen, so be careful. Also, make sure you don’t buy a piece of secret petpet laboratory map instead! The secret petpet laboratory cannot change your pet at all!
This is another, very special way you can get a Darigan pet.
If you want a Darigan Draik, you can purchase a Darigan Draik egg. Just take the egg to the Draik nest in Meridell, with only three pets and an untaken name in mind, and you can get your very own Darigan Draik! Darigan Draik eggs can be bought from other users, or from the Merifoods shop. Part 4: Training your Darigan pet
No, I’m not going to go into how you can train your pet with dubloons and read to your pet to make it smarter, because that works for any pet, and is this not a guide to Darigan pets? Darigan pets need special training. Each Darigan pet is unique, so you will have to find the things that your own pet likes to do. Generally, Darigan pets like to be challenged. If your pet has higher physical strength, a difficult obstacle course will make them happy. If your pet is a clever clogs, they will benefit from puzzles and tricks. The following is a report (written by me) on how to become friends with your Darigan pet.
We all like to be friends with our pets, and Darigan pets should not be left out just because they have different needs. If you want to be friends with your Darigan, you need to be patient. A pet that has recently been painted or zapped Darigan will be going through a mix of emotions right now. The worst thing you could possibly do is just leave them alone. They will think that they are no longer loved and will become sad or even violent. As soon as your pet has been turned Darigan, take them out for their favorite food, read them a book or go play a game with them. Don’t forget to educate your other pets on Darigans, so they will not fear or dislike the new pet. After you’ve spent some time with your new Darigan, let them spend some time with your other pets, if you have any. Make sure you supervise, because they’ll all be feeling a little curious, and maybe even a little scared. After a while, when your pets are tired or hungry, give each one of them a special treat. This will make sure that all your pets feel equal. After this, the new Darigan should be given some ‘alone time’, preferably somewhere cool, quiet and not too bright. Make sure that just before your Darigan goes to bed in the evening, the room it is sleeping in is quiet and calm.
You will find that a Darigan treated in this way when first painted or zapped will lead a very happy and peaceful life.
If you hatch a Darigan Draik egg, make sure you are ready for the responsibility of raising a young Draik. Draiks grow very fast; in fact, they reach maturity in just one month! Therefore, the first month of hatching the egg is vital for development. If bad habits are revealed during this first month, it is important that they are stopped before the Draik becomes used to them. It isn’t uncommon for a Darigan Draik hatchling to become accustomed to biting and scratching early on. Usually this period only lasts a few days, but, if not discouraged, it can turn into a habit. If your Draik bites you, say ‘no’ in the deepest voice you can. Darigan Draiks respond more to deeper, lower pitched sounds. A high pitched sound will startle your Draik, and may result in physical harm. If your Draik becomes unsettled or overexcited, playing low-pitched music will calm it. A CD is good, but the best method it to actually play the music yourself. The best instruments are the cello or tuba. Darigan Draik young may be a little difficult to care for, but it is worth it to have a loyal pet that will always be there for you. Make sure that you feed your Draik well, feeding it a lot of fish, and occasionally other meat. Darigan Draiks have been proven to be very partial to smoked Meridellian fish.
Well, that’s it! Thank you very much for reading, and I hope that you have learn something from this little article. And don’t forget, a pet is for life, whether Darigan or not, all pets need a loving friend to care for them.
Sincerely, Captain_amber140 and Embrave
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