Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 175,667,400 Issue: 357 | 29th day of Hiding, Y10
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The Lost Island Hunters - Part VII

Strange pink bunches frightened our heroes.

Also by cevierakasky

by dra_jl

UA: The Quest, Part 3

We need to get to Faerieland.

Art by invalid_character

by water_park1993

Kajillion: Voidberry

Cuddlepuff0 sticks his hand in the void. It comes out in Meridell.

by bettyming
Neoventures #4 Yooyuball Edition

Caution: Do not attempt to play Yooyuball with an actual Fire Yooyu.

by guardianpinkneko
The Neochaos

Uh... Right!

by leana_24
How Cute!

Adorable, isn't he?

by shukaku13
Techo Says - The Game, The True...


by larenchan
Avatar Obsessed Usul

This Usul will do anything for a new avatar.

by nickahwhatt
The MSP Diet!

MSP does not follow the rules literally. :)

by sassofrasso
Short Stories


by pernillepapillon
The New Security System


by beracia
Gone Batty


by dogsndragons
Get Some Friends!

This calls for a party!

by konayukii
Wings 'n' All

How to NOT play the Stock Market...

by artistic_cookie
Rock Jelly etc. - But What About the Ice Cream?

What a waste!

by akatonbo
Raspberry Heaven

They should really check the weather forecast before giving out random events...

by cloudwhiskers
The Quest For The Lost Desert Paint Brush -Episode 2

Gwah!! It's so tempting!

by goodsigns
Bus Stop

You are entering another dimension. That's the signpost up ahead...

by luckyfishie

Don't let anything distract you.

by tinybigfoot
I Wasn't Cheating, Honest!

Be careful what you ask for.

by lucky_oreo_13
Arx Hallex: Rainbow Fountain Fail

Silly Aisha.

by qazfan
"Wizard" Windelle

What a nickname...

by satsuma567
Define Idiocy

Accept no substitute.

by darkness1300

An encounter with the Fountain Faerie...

by phaes
Drama Queens

*sigh* So ungrateful...

by noobspeak
Light House Life


by louishooper
Twirly Fruit

How it started.

by sara31777
Lifes Cruel Wishes #2

Bath time! Dun dun dun.

by shadin_the_flame
Pickled Theories

I'm NOT crying!

by seiya_from_ashes
Eat the Madness

Ever have these moments?

by umbreon54399
The Kad Feeder

Nymms the Nimmo tries his best to convince a kadoatie to try less expensive items!

by toffeedatepudding
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Reasons To Be Mutant

The 25th day of Hiding was Mutant Day and in honor of all the Neopets that have endured their owners' wishes for them to take on these radical changes, we remind them of their special 'perks' for being... erm, special. You really wonder what was going through the owner's mind that caused them to look at their adorable, playful sweet Neopet and say, "No, I think horribly disfiguring is the way to go with you..."

Other Stories


The Tale of the Reject Faerie Queen Doll
How such an ugly toy made it into the Hidden Tower...

by _x_bjork_x_


Decisions, Decisions
"Don't you think you're pushing Greyfur a little too much? Just look at him..."

by jayandcourtneyk


The Perfect Villain
Exhibit A: Pirates. Afraid yet?

by kattrish


NeoBusiness School for the Conscience-Impaired
Are you fed up with renting out the upper floor of your Neohome for extra income to brawling pirates who play Deckball in the wee hours of the morning? Are you exhausted trying to convince your Neopet that the Pile of Sludge you gave her is indeed a perfectly acceptable Petpet?

by too_kule


The Sound of Love: Part Two
"I was thinking that it's about time we made one final addition to our family."

by meghen200


Dasher Soley's Final Flight: Part Five
The crowd went wild, screeching in delight at the first goal, scored by none other than Krawk Island...

by doopingla

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