Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 193,856,858 Issue: 719 | 12th day of Awakening, Y18
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Hi there! How come it seems like some users get Limited Edition items from NC items like GBCs and Valentines Grams, ect., while others seem like they don't get them at all. After this past MME event, I saw a board where a user bought 4 MMEs and got 4 bonuses while someone else bought 4 and didn't get a bonus item at all! Is it really random or do you pick favorites? It seems really unfair at times when I think about how much I've spent and have not been lucky enough to get a LE item from grams, GBCs, ect... if you use this, please remove my username. Thank you. ~ username removed
Hello! I'm sorry you've had some rough luck with getting bonuses from NC items, but we definitely do NOT play favourites! In fact, we have no control over who gets a bonus and who doesn't at all. Each item in its programming has a certain chance of awarding the limited edition, and whether or not you get it is just up to chance.

Hi! I have a question about neocash items. I have free neocash on my side accounts (lag reward/welcome bonus, etc.). Am I allowed to purchase items and boxes and send the stuff to my main account? Or trade items from my side but the person I'm trading with sends the items to my main? I'm specifically interested in buying the Faerie Quest Cookies and using them on my main account, but don't want to get in trouble for using side accounts to gain an unfair advantage... Thanks! ~ iswiminwater
Hi, that is not an unfair advantage or against the rules at all! If your Neocash is on your side account, you can of course purchase anything you want with it and send it to your main. Happy questing!

Hello there! I had a question that an artist friend of mine was curious about. I know selling any type of Neopets art is a no-no, but what about trading art you drew for another person's coding? People do art trades all the time, but is art for coding ok? (please remove my username!) ~ username removed
Hi! I see no reason why this isn't allowed, as it's not giving you any kind of advantage such as items or neopoints. Besides, who are we to judge what you consider art? One man's art is another person's code (that totally works, right?).

Hi CQ *throws jellied eyeballs* ~ I and some other members on the Help Chat were just talking about the Snowager (Rawr!) avatar, and one of them asked me if it was still active. I don't see it listed anywhere as retired, though I've been back (on and off) for 5 years and been blasted numerous times without getting it, so I'm not sure. Is the Snowy avatar still a thing and just really rare, or is it retired for good? I'm sure all of us would appreciate an answer to this one. Thanks! ~ redvengeance_x
Hm... Are these food? *shrugs* guess so, thanks! Anyways, yes the Snowager avatar is indeed still active. Take care and don't get frostbite!

Dear CQ, I can't stop wondering how the winners of the Customization Spotlight is chosen... I mean I have been participating for months, and I haven't won a single time... Is it because my pets does have the right look? ~ nostalegia
Well, let me explain how it goes then. So you enter your pets into the spotlight, and over the week people vote (randomly vote that is, there is no asking people for votes like in the Beauty Contest). At the end of the week, our judge checks over the entries and awards the top 3 rated pets their trophies!

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If you have a question that you think should be answered, click here and you can use our submission form. The most common/bizarre questions will appear here next week.

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