Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 119,338,143 Issue: 240 | 19th day of Hunting, Y8
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New Series

A Weak Heart: Part One

His bed was unmade, unusual for him. But he often disappeared for a midnight fly around the village...

by literalluau
A Quest Unlike Any Other: Part One

"I'm late, I'm late," he grumbled, before ducking into the shade of the Ice Caves...

by toffee_choc
The Forgotten Faerieland: Part One

Did you know that there was a time when all pets had wings and were faeries? These pets thrived in Faerieland...

by ewagon
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Safely Visiting Virtupets

Now, the tourism that the Space Station gets does give Virtupets a financial boast; however, there are one or two... problems... that we get from having too many tourists snooping around the premises. Therefore, I’ve compiled a short guide of tips for you touristy minded Neopians...

Other Stories


Wager's Curse
"Well, the other day, I was just wonderin' where exactly the Snowager came from," Ellie blurted...

by twilight_zelda


The Dice Bringer
King Roo slammed a paw on his throne. "This is so frustrating!" he shouted. "I just wish this would end and I would be happy!"

by keiga_clothilda


Eye to Eye
Eyes are just the most fabulous (I mean second or third to being the most disgusting) type of Neopian food there is.

by x_the_black_dragon_x


Guide to the Jubble Bubble Trophy
Jubble Bubble is the new craze to hit Maraqua. Whether it's getting a valuable piece of a Maraquan World Challenge map or an adorable trophy with a Maraquan JubJub on it, I hope to help you improve on this fun game.

Also by wamhk

by steward26


The Grand Adventures of Kirsya and Durnya
Mmmm... Pink Donut.

by bluey_doodles


Neopian Circumstances
Anything cute and fluffy?

Also by lily_he

by nefily

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