Still thwarting Sloth's mind control... Circulation: 175,667,493 Issue: 356 | 22nd day of Hiding, Y10
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Short Stories

Reflections in the Night

Yes... they had all come a very long way indeed.

by yoyote
The Elemarketer

"I know a true ghost story! Not those lame ghosts you guys imagine..."

by be2aware
The Expedition

The explorers continued their upwards journey, shouldering their backpacks and using pickaxes to steady themselves as they slipped through the powdery snow.

by sunbeams
Another Candychan Tale

"What kind of Candychan are you? You don't look like you're blue or rainbow or ghost or... anything really..."

by twocents
A Talent Like No Other

He thought about the talent show, and contemplated entering it.

Nahh, it's pointless. I'd never win... he thought.

by sheyda_sheyda

Mina's Door

I had always hated Mina with a passion... And she pretty much hated me back... We had never gotten along. And, I presume, we never will...

by masquerade_5

The Faellie was in heaven when she left the ground, gliding, faster than an Eyrie (so she thought). She was free... free from cages, uncaring owners, and all the troubles of this cruel world.

by doglvr888
Coming Home

Everyone wanted to meet the "Bad Girl" from the streets. It made me miss being that bad girl...

by white_fang_wolf6
The Mystery Island Phantom

No one was sure when things started to go missing.

Also by chivo

by anjie

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"Coming Home" by white_fang_wolf6
"Oh, come on. It's just your first day of school!" she said brightly, poking her head through the door. Akari has to be the most beautiful faerie Eyrie alive. If I looked like that, I wouldn't have been panicking so much. Sadly, I am but a tomboy-ish shadow Xweetok. Life is never fair. "Yes, just my first day of school, when my social status will be determined and any mistakes will haunt me for the rest of my school career!" I hissed, banging my head on the table...

Other Stories


Economics Revisited
If a single Neopoint is earned by playing games, it's spent nearly a hundred times.

by mookie99


The Chef Bonju Avatar: A Figment Of Our Imagination?
It can't exist, can it?

by electric_gelert567


Following the Wind: Part Seven
"We're gonna have to go through the front gates and fight our way to the castle!"

Also by noob

by scarletspindle


Finding Dirk: Part One
You know, most pets, petpets, and humans celebrate their birthday one day a year. I, quite frankly, do not; I get to celebrate twice.

by rotty_paws


Love your Neopet, whoever he is... or at least try.

by firefree_girl


Knick Knack - Space
The universe is large...

Art by achdut

by pokemon_lunatic

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