If you were out enjoying the countryside, and saw a pair of amber eyes staring at you inquisitively, well camouflaged amongst the foliage with its stripes, rebellious mane and tufty ears, would you know who was watching you? If this has happened to you, you are lucky enough to have encountered an Ogrin. A look on the Stats page will show you that Ogrin are the second least popular (normal) Neopet, but they do not share the Gnorbu's fame...
Diary of a Long Lost Friend "Oh! I'm so sorry!" said Jordan, helping whoever it was pick up the books they were carrying. She looked up and saw another Ixi...
Neopia's Top Ten Must-Have Soups Be it hot or cold, there's nothing better than curling up on your Nova Sofa with a bowl of delicious soup in hand. In this article, I present to you the top ten must-have soups in the whole of Neopia!
Running Faster than Destiny: Part Five Twitch followed the sound of the voice and saw Onyx sitting in the branches of a nearby tree. The same wicked smile was plastered on his face...