White Weewoos don't exist. *shifty eyes* Circulation: 197,890,907 Issue: 1017 | 20th day of Gathering, Y26
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Cool Wearables

by prulletje1852

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The Tournament pt2
We gotta go...Collab with luc187 and nostalgicneopian

by kuroneko_kitty


The Setting Sun
The heat of the afternoon had given way to a simmering eventide, the stagnant air a miasma of compressed sweat, the lingering odour of abandoned food and drink, and the ethereal emptiness created by the recent vacancy of what was once a massive crowd.

by skatabo


Fall Foodie Favourites - Seasonal Snacks for Autumn
We've reached the Month of Gathering, meaning it's time to prepare our bellies for the food-filled fall season.

by superobinchan33


Casual Clicking for Fun and Profit
There are many reasons why you might be trying to kill time on Neopets. Perhaps you’re waiting for a shop to restock, or for new Kadoaties to beg for expensive foods, or for your Neofriend to answer a message.

by ellienib

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