Battle Quills... ready! Circulation: 197,890,914 Issue: 1020 | 1st day of Storing, Y26
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Party Slorgs!

by funkiemonkee903

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Cosy Campfire Collection Trophy Guide
If you're looking to earn a prestigious trophy in the Cosy Campfire Collection game, you're in the right place! This guide will walk you through the game mechanics, strategies for improving your score, and tips for unlocking those coveted trophies.

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The Parting
"There you are." The cloaked Blue Gelert sauntered toward the very end of the Merry Munchin’ Marbluk, a tavern in the Haunted Woods, to meet the Skunk Zafara who sat sullenly with a tankard in a corner table.

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Castle Planner's Journal: 1000 Years
The dim light of the old library wing at night was only barely enough to navigate through the shelves of books. Anyone trying to read in the flickering candlelight would have a strenuous time doing so.

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Triccity's Travels: Mystery Island
The next morning, I met Anna and Charlotte for a leisurely breakfast at a nearby café. Benny was not an early riser and they let him stay abed.

by 77thbigby

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