Week - 332
Non-Descript by mikibunny |
Description: Be careful what you wear around Chias... |
Week - 380
Easy Reading... by ikib |
Description: This week... junior surprise ;D |
Week - 440
Non-Descript by mikibunny |
Description: He's not REALLY that grumpy... |
Week - 445
Just Another Application Guide by mikibunny |
Description: More than your usual guide to getting your dream pet. |
Week - 499
That's So Annoying! by mikibunny |
Description: A deeper look at those little things on Neopets that bother us all. |
Week - 651
Grave Danger by nikibogwater |
Description: It's dangerous to go alone! But nothing will stand in Shivers' way until he finds that delicious smell! |
Week - 667
Halloween and How To Deal With It by nikibogwater |
Description: Ah, Halloween, that magical (and tasty) time of year when Spyders spin webs, the Brain Tree writes riddles, and Sophie is in a slightly less grumpy mood. |
Week - 671
The Great Playpen Escape by nikibogwater |
Description: Martha will stand this cruelty no longer... |
Week - 758
The Top Five Neopets for Beginners by nikibogwater |
Description: So after months of whining and begging and blackmailing etc, you’ve finally gotten your friend to take a look at Neopets for the very first time. Everything’s going pretty smoothly, filling out the paperwork and registering as a Neopian and such. But then the proud new citizen enters the Adoption Center, and is immediately bombarded by dozens of adorable faces, all beaming up at them with hopeful eyes and perked ears. |
Week - 775
Top Five Most Challenging Neopets by nikibogwater |
Description: What better way to turn your life upside-down than by adopting a new family member? And for those who like to push themselves to the max, here’s a list of the Top Five Most Challenging Neopets to raise. |
Week - 805
A Sister's Business by nikibogwater |
Description: ...diving into his Omelette with gusto. |
Week - 806
A Sister's Business:Part Two by nikibogwater |
Description: And with those words, Casey saw her brother visibly deflate. His ears fell back and he floated a little lower to the ground. |
Week - 807
A Sister's Business:Part Three by nikibogwater |
Description: Aaron panted heavily as he sprinted through the slowly thinning line of trees. |
Week - 808
A Sister's Business:Part Four by nikibogwater |
Description: Casey coughed breathlessly as she shakily got to her paws. It took a moment for the dust to settle... |
Week - 1026
Borovan Dipped by ikib |
Description: An unfortunate-- yet delicious-- blunder.
Week - 1028
Ear Style Swap by ikib |
Description: "An endEARing exchange." Collab with tifnkittygrundler |
Week - 1029
Whoops | An Illusen Day Debacle by ikib |
Description: This Illusen Day mishap starring Dalyuh & Notala is a collab brought to you by Farren1 & ikib |