Come dance with the Wanderers... Circulation: 90,556,237 Issue: 160 | 1st day of Collecting, Y6
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by karnella

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A Shoyru Thing
Like everyone says, "An apple a day, keeps the user away".

by dark_phoenix339


Unforgotten Despair
A sinister thought flashed through his mind. Ditzy really belonged to his little sister but since she and a friend had gone on vacation to Mystery Island for the week, he was forced to look after the sickly sweet Ona.

by ginger23456


Fishing: The Skeith Way
A fish for me, a carrot for you. A fish for--

by rhoc


Welcome to Edna's Tower
"I want you to get me that Cackle avatar," Tiffany answered, giving me my coat. "Just ask Edna nicely for it and she'll give it to you."

by sarahsuk

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