Now with 50% more useless text Circulation: 90,556,196 Issue: 161 | 8th day of Collecting, Y6
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Week - 161

Dumb Ideas
by aap_council
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The Eragotten Legacy: Part Four
"Jag Sequen… So we meet again… The circumstances have taken a turn for the better in my position, of course…" Joseph muttered, smirking. Jag remained silent.

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Kiko and Chia
You DO know Petpets can't talk, right?

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Sloth's Destruct-O-Match II
This game is so treacherous, so full of trickery, deceit and boondoggling, that I simply refuse to accept that the Neopets Team created it. No, it must be the work of my master, Doctor Sloth.

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Of Lights from Within: Part Eight
The Kougra longed for the comforting hug that only Nora could provide - the kind of hug only between a pet and owner. Would he ever feel a hug like that again?

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The Good Days II: The Search for Glenda - Part Two
Renaline awoke that morning to a great shock. The typical feeling of the rowboat rocking back and forth through the waves was gone.

by puzz1ed

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