A Yurble stole my cinnamon roll! Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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We found the following 1 result(s) for the keyword neomaniac1603

Week - 162

Petpets: The Kadoatie
by neomaniac1603
Description: In this guide I will be examining the Kadoatie. A petpet so cute you would wish you could go through your Monitor and give it a huge hug!

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Brightvale Insists On Eliminating Uneducated Neopets
In a vulgar attempt to get rid of less intelligent Neopets in Neopia, the region of Brightvale, bordering Meridell, has placed a very large sign outside the entrance of its area reading, "All uneducated Neopets will be fed to the Lupes".

by elle_alev


The Korbat Who Couldn't Hang: Part Four
"I wouldn't like to be out travelling in this weather," Madam Graspberry went on. "Still, it'll probably clear up by the time you'll be wanting to move on?"

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Going Bananas
Looks can be deceiving...

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Princess of Erodaire III: Part Seven
I hadn't even eaten lunch or dinner yet, and hunger did not pain me. I walked towards my room, opened the door, and the first thing my eyes fell upon was the journal upon the floor.

by christinetran


Sloth on the Rox
Dr. Sloth embarks on a search for the missing R.C.

by plushieowner

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