teh 1337est n00zpaper Circulation: 90,556,131 Issue: 162 | 15th day of Collecting, Y6
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Where's the Good Stuff?

by shadih_temporary

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Needed Beginnings: Allegra and Brenner
No, Cap's problem was not in finding the capacity to care for so many pets; his once-broken heart seemed to expand more and more easily with each new one. His problem was, rather, how to take care of them all.

by tdyans


When Kadoaties Attack!
Ready... GO!

by destini118


Lily the Invisible Acara: Part Two
Lily made a decision. She'd help best by finding out Elbert's secrets and giving them to Carlin, who seemed to be Hagan's advisor. She'd FIND a way to get the message to him.

by thegalaxy_goddess


The Three
"Dela?" a small voice came from between them. She looked down to see a bound light faerie kneeling on the floor. How dare the vermin speak her name? How did she even know her name?

by shivanik

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