The Not-So-Great Parts of Neopia by singinsweetiedusty
HELP SECTION - We’ve all clicked on the little button in the yellow tool bar
on the left hand side of the screen labeled “Explore,” right? I mean, it’s really
hard to resist. All in all, there are ten places you can visit in Neopia (not
counting Neopia Central and the mini islands). In all these worlds you can find
petpets, games, and some even have their own paint brush! I know! What else
could someone ask for, right? Heeheehee… WRONG!!
This lovely brunette called Bubbles went on a search to find out where all
those other worlds went that never quite made it to the map. So Binky the Little
Slorg and I started our quest to find where all those other worlds went.
Our search led us to the mother of all helpers: Sarah the Zafara. The blue
Zafara peered over her very large glasses as we entered the Help section of
Neopets. “Hi,” I said.
“Hi,” said Sarah. “How can I help you?” She offered a kind smile as Binky and
I approached her.
“Well, I’m working on a Neopian Times article about the worlds that never did
make it. I know there must be some, but where did they all go? What happened
to them?”
“Oooooh…” said Sarah grinning broadly. She pulled a piece of paper out of her
desk drawer and handed it to me. “Here. This should help you.”
As I stared at it, I noticed it was a list of all the not-so-great worlds that
didn’t make it past the drawing board. And I, Bubbles, being the kind-hearted
person that I am, have decided to share this list with you!
Jelly World: I for one think that this would be a great addition to the lists
of worlds in Neopia!! Everything is made of jelly! Wait. What? It already exists?
Pfffft! That’s ridiculous…
Down-For-Maintenance World: The worst place ever created or thought of by any
living (or non-living, for that matter) creature! Here, the Neopets site is
always down and no one ever gets NPs for playing games!
Other Side of Neopia World: The place everyone tries to find, regardless of
the fact that you can see it by looking at the back of your monitor!
Dung World: This place isn’t too popular with tourists, no matter what season
it is! I wonder why…
Invisible Land: Ah! Where’d it go?!
The Realm of Chain Letters: dis reely werks! Go 2 dis relm 10 times nd u wil
find 10 pntbrshs nd al da codstns!! wurkd 4 evry1 so fasr!! dis iz a reel neoptes
Dating Land: Everyone here needs a “gf” or “bf” really badly, even though they
can’t actually see them!!
Reality: You can’t buy Chokatos for your pets, make them fight in a Battledome,
you don’t get money from playing games, no guilds, no restocking, no magical
faeries that bless your pets, no Slorgs, no Veespas, and no way to paint your
pets Snot! Man. That place doesn’t sound very fun…
Speeding Island: The island that is always moving around Neopia at 150 miles
per hour. It is difficult to find and incredibly hard to get on, especially
without falling back off or getting sick. Shops included here are Fast Food
and Shoe Shop.
Asparagus Village: The place where Asparagus runs ramped and all is green and
good with butter! It is hard, however, to keep a certain person called Adam
Powell out of the fields, however. If you see him, please throw tea cups at
Chokato Plateau: The absolute greatest place ever!! The skies are green and
blue and brown, and everything comes in an assortment of styles such as Cybunny
cakes, trifle, Chia balloons, and Ghostkersandwiches.
Sketchidell: Hold on… I can… almost… make something out…
Greytopia: *sigh* Is everything okay with you? No? Oh… *sigh* *droop*
Royal World: This be a very special realm, m’lord. For at this place, ye can
tell thine own pet’s genders apart!
Land of the Peoplewhoignoredwhattheirparentstoldthemandspatintothewind: Mucus.
Lots and lots of mucus.
Island of the Frozen Account: This is a desolate island where NPs sit stagnant,
pets starve, and trophies rust. This would be a bad place to go… *shivers*
L337 Palace: 73|-| P14(3 W|-|3R3 3V3RY0N3 5P34K5 0N1Y IN 1337 4N|) 411 4R3
(0MPR3|-|3N|)4B13 (0NV3R547I0N I5 INF357IM41.
I looked back at Sarah the Zafara and smiled. “This was an amazing help! Thank
you so much. Writing my article should be a breeze now!” I folded the list back
up and placed it carefully into the pocket of my Bubble Wand Blue Raincoat.
“I was more than happy to help you, Bubbles. That’s why I am here: to answer
the questions of good, rule-following citizens like yourself. Keep writing!
I enjoy reading them.”
“Look!” Binky the Little Slorg exclaimed. “You’re blushing, Bubbles!!”
“Am not,” I muttered as I scooped up Binky and headed for the door. “Thanks
again,” I called as I walked back into the fresh air of Neopia Central. I took
the list out once more and glanced over it again. “You know what, Binky?”
“What is it, Bubbles?” Binky asked me inquisitively. “Is something wrong with
the list? Is it counterfeit? Is the ink on it smudged? Is the handwriting illegible?
“BINKY!! Sh!” I rolled my eyes before continuing. “No, it’s none of that. Remember
once, when we bumped into Snowflake when we went into the Healthy Food Shop?”
“Of course I remember,” Binky said as a dreamy look came over his tiny eyes.
“She’s so pretty… Do you think if I asked her to marry me she’d accept?!”
“Anyway,” I continued, ignoring my little Slorg friend, “Do you think she’d
be there again? It would be much faster than using the submission form to get
this article published!”
“Wait, don’t you have to write the article first?” asked the very confused
“I’ve already written it, you dolt! Why do you think everything has quotation
marks around it?”
“Oh… Hi Mom!!”
Well, there you have it, folks. A list of the worlds that didn’t quite make
it past the drawing board during a Neopets’ faculty meeting. Just remember,
what ever I showed you may still exist… You just have to look for it yourself.
{{Author’s Note: Thanks to laugh_guy, extreme_fjord, paradiseice, Blubbeh,
Erileen, and especially cloudy__skyes for awesome help with ideas! Also, a huge
thanks to my friend konpaku110 for help with l337 translations. Another thank
you to all my neofriends for supporting me throughout this process, my guild,
and NTWF! If you’re reading this, then it means my second Neopian Times Submission
has been published! Neomails always welcome!}}