For an easier life Circulation: 90,555,988 Issue: 164 | 29th day of Collecting, Y6
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We found the following 2 result(s) for the keyword sparky63428

Week - 162

Electrifying Stars
by sparky63428
Description: "Playing With Fire"

Week - 164

Brains, Legs, Snot, Body Parts, Oh My!
by sparky63428
Description: There are many wonderful and exotic foods in Neopia, but there are a certain group of foods that are plainly gross and disgusting...

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@ Home
No Pets Allowed

by lil_bloo_roo


50 Cheap Halloween Costumes for your Neopet
33.) A sludgy. Just cover them in mud and don’t let them take a bath for a few weeks and they have a completely icky looking and smelling sludgy costume.

by frozen_fire_dragon


Tour the Haunted Woods - On Halloween!
You know the Haunted Woods can be a very, very dangerous place at night –insert evil laugh here-. I think the best place to begin is the beginning. But where is the beginning?

by kittyai


The Price You Pay
"I mean, your lyrics aren't going to work. People don't want to listen to this."

by lemonkitty13


Getting Accepted Into The Neopian Times
Don’t write about something that has been written to death.

by dragonfire1722

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